Set in an unnamed African country at an unspecified time (though the similarities with Nigeria in the early 1960s are unmistakable), The Famished Road is narrated by Azaro, an African spirit-child or abiku who, in the folklore of southern Nigeria, is destined to move continually between life and spiritual paradise in an unending cycle of infant death and rebirth. Azaro, however, is tired of never staying long enough to experience life, and decides on this occasion to remain, "to put", he says, "a smile on my mother's face".
Pursued by vengeful spirits, and endowed with special powers that lead him into mischief, Azaro introduces us to a whole world of wonders -- to his mother and father, an impoverished market trader and a load carrier struggling courageously to keep their dignity and their independence; to Madame Koto, the local bar owner whose journey from innocence to corruption mirrors the realities unfolding around her; to the politics, poverty and brutal reality of life in a shanty town in post-colonial Africa; and to Azaro's own intensely imagined visions. As political corruption becomes endemic and as old tribal traditions clash with the forces of urbanisation, the author shows us the extraordinary mix of hope and despair that characterises his community and the sheer vitality of a society where, as Okri has said, "the consequences of your actions are immediate and unavoidable".
Deftly mixing mythical visions with naturalistic portrayal, the result is a book of huge scope and originality which works on many levels -- as political parable, social critique, cultural guidebook and spiritual inspiration -- but whose central triumph is its depiction of tight-knit family relations and the entrancing oddity of everyday life.
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畢加索 我想看得懂他的畫的人 很少吧! 但是我很早就知道 他的美術基本功有多牛X。 他的東西 模仿不來,因為後麵有強大的後颱。 而這種小說,在我看來就是小說界的畢加索,很好,很強大,但是閱讀起來真是 費力,像在啃一樣
評分這是一部相當吸引人的作品,故事描寫畫麵感很強,且很震撼。 記得第一次看到這個書的時候就被吸引瞭,卻沒有藉來,導緻後來一直念念不忘,最後硬是捧著迴來瞭、 雖然真本書是以一個鬼孩子的視角去描述,但是不能看齣,作者評論的是一個真實而又殘酷的世界。以父親前後情感的變...
評分摘自《光明日報》 作者:邱華棟 每個作傢都會有一部代錶作。1991年,尼日利亞作傢本•奧剋利齣版瞭他的長篇小說《飢餓的路》。這是一部相當厚重的作品,獲得瞭廣泛的好評,被視為他的代錶作,不僅摘取瞭英語最高文學奬“布剋小說奬”,而且還被認為是非洲裔作傢寫齣的...
評分《飢餓的路》是最近難得一口氣讀完的小說。上一部讀完的長篇也許還是《百年孤獨》,再往前是《平凡的世界》《穆斯林的葬禮》。那都是很久之前的事情瞭。 所以,難得能再次讀完一本長篇,我在想原因。 一個是譯筆。我一上來就被吸引到瞭。“起先是一條河。河變成瞭路。路嚮四麵...
評分畢加索 我想看得懂他的畫的人 很少吧! 但是我很早就知道 他的美術基本功有多牛X。 他的東西 模仿不來,因為後麵有強大的後颱。 而這種小說,在我看來就是小說界的畢加索,很好,很強大,但是閱讀起來真是 費力,像在啃一樣
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