Anne Brontë's first novel, Agnes Grey , combines an astute dissection of middle-class social behavior and class attitudes with a wonderful study of Victorian responses to young children which has parallels with debates about education that continue to this day. In writing the novel, Brontë drew on her own experiences, and one can trace in the work many of the trials of the Victorian governess, often stranded far from home, and treated with little respect by her employers, yet expected to control and educate her young charges. Agnes Grey looks at childhood from nursery to adolescence, and it also charts the frustrations of romantic love, as Agnes starts to nurse warmer feelings towards the local curate, Mr. Weston. Sally Shuttleworth's fascinating introduction considers the book's fictional and narrative qualities, its relationship with Victorian child-rearing and the responsibilities of parents, and the changing attitudes to the book influenced by modern concerns for children's rights. The new edition includes a revised and updated bibliography as well as revised notes drawing on the latest critical material.
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在清明旅遊途中的火車上翻完瞭這本書,總體來說比我預期的好,文筆輕快流暢,毫不矯揉造作,這樣一種特質使得這麼沒有營養的情節都美好瞭許多。 大部分識字的人,都會或多或少有過那麼點想寫點東西的時候,或是錶達自己經世治國,傳道授業的思想,或是展現自己豐富的...
評分本文僅針對安吉麗娜。格裏奧為本書寫的序 ===================== 為夏洛蒂說幾句話 我們,在當下,如此評論夏洛蒂,懷著無尚崇敬抑或越描越黑的目的,夏迷也好、夏黑也罷,都因為我們手中擁有這曆經一個半世紀仍保有下來的“證據”,她的書信、日記。 勃氏姐妹無不以離群...
評分《阿格尼斯•格雷》 作者是赫赫有名的勃朗特三姐妹的小妹。我想起瞭宋氏三姐妹,還有周氏三兄弟。所以現在生仨娃的,尤其是三個娃同樣性彆的也一定也不要絕望,好好培養說不定會火。 勃朗特三姐妹就數安妮最沒有名氣,夏洛蒂的《簡愛》,艾米莉的《呼嘯山莊》,都是震驚世界...
評分本文僅針對安吉麗娜。格裏奧為本書寫的序 ===================== 為夏洛蒂說幾句話 我們,在當下,如此評論夏洛蒂,懷著無尚崇敬抑或越描越黑的目的,夏迷也好、夏黑也罷,都因為我們手中擁有這曆經一個半世紀仍保有下來的“證據”,她的書信、日記。 勃氏姐妹無不以離群...
評分————真實的再現 作者是勃朗特三姐妹中最小的妹妹——安妮*勃朗特,一個聽起來有些陌生的名字。這部小說是由安妮在當傢庭教師時的日記整理而成,具有很強的自傳風格。故事很簡單,文字是我喜歡的淺顯樸素風格,通篇沒有什麼戲劇衝突,幾乎就是日常生活的再現。安妮將她...
圖書標籤: 英國 英國 文學 小說 2
My FIRST English novel!!! LOVE you @ Leo&Hepburn!!
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