When Monsieur Pamplemousse got an urgent summons from the Director of Le Guide, he knew that there was trouble at the top. His faithful canine companion, Pommes Frites, noticed it too. But neither of them expected that the trouble would involve a nun who was in the habit of joining the Mile High Club or a full-scale smear campaign targeting Le Guide’s credibility as France’s première restaurant and hotel guide. Someone has been spreading worrying rumors among the staff and infiltrating the company files – awarding hotels prizes for bedbugs and praising egg and chips signature dishes. Even Pommes Frites has become a victim of the assault.
It could all spell the ruin for Le Guide, but Pamplemousse is on the case…
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Monsieur Pamplemousse and the French Solution 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載