In "They Came from Another World" a teenager searches for the truth about life and the universe.
Cole Alan Turner, or Cat, is a driven explorer. A combination of curiosity and imagination fuels his love for adventure that, sometimes, gets him in awkward situations.
One of Cat's teachers tells him about the hidden truths behind the Big Bang Theory, and how "true science will never contradict the Word of God." The teacher's statement prompts Cat's pursuit for the truth, leading him and his friends down the Golden Pathway that will bring him to Eleeshaum, the God who created all. The journey has been filled with dangerous undertakings, but Cat and his friends manage to reach the end of their expedition, and find what they have been looking for.
Bruce Minson of Jacksonville, Florida, has been married to his wife, Cheryl, for the past 34 years. They have five children and three grandchildren. Bruce and Cheryl have pastored two churches during that time and are still working in the ministry, helping at the Jacksonville Assembly of the Body of Christ. He has written many songs and blesses the church with his singing. He has been teaching guitar for 22 years and also repairs musical instruments.
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They Came from Another World 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
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