After discovering an unlimited Faster-Than-Light cosmic power source, three friends and scientific colleagues embark on a fantastic journey. Aboard their vessel the Nomad, they are instantly transported to worlds within worlds inside the mysterious infinite universe hidden deep within atomic particles. Intertwined with new friendships, marriage and the birth of their half alien child, the new team of seven become heroes winning a desperate race to save an alien world from the effects of a rogue asteroid. But as their once utopian world turns bitterly against them, the seven heroes soon find themselves in a race against time to escape the evil clutches of an ungrateful world. Forced into exile, they return to Earth and secretly continue their inner-world quests from deep within an underground crystal cavern. Erased from existence, their very survival depends on the beachhead of infinity they have established as their Point of Reference.
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Nomads Land, Point of Reference 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載