''I was nineteen years old, still soft at the edges, but with a confident belief in good fortune. I carried a small rolled-up tent, a violin in a blanket, a change of clothes, a tin of treacle biscuits, and some cheese. I was excited, vain-glorious, knowing I had far to go; but not, as yet, how far. As I left home that morning and walked away from the sleeping village, it never occurred to me that others had done this before me.'' Despite this romantic and optimistic opening, what Lee finds and describes is the most primitive and feudal country in Europe, a peninsula for the most part untouched by the modern world, a land of labor without dignity, a church devoid of compassion, and a country ripe for revolutionary change. There is humor here, and love, and adolescent awakening, but beneath the smoothly written surface is a foreboding sense of a savage future, a premonition that a war will come, which will not end soon. For Lee, as for much of the world, 1936 was the end of innocence, a fateful year when ''it was being learned again that men needed more than courage, anger, slogans, convictions, or even a just cause when they went to war.'' Thus Lee, innocently but inexorably, becomes entangled in the passionate, violent, and bloody struggle that was the Spanish Civil War. Along with Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, Lee's sequel to Cider with Rosie is a singular document, written with the excitement and wonder of a twenty-year-old, but infused with the wisdom of a young adult who sees what lies ahead and is capable of conveying to the reader how bad it will be.
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說實話,讀起來難有共鳴。 摘錄三段: 這次罷工持續瞭兩個星期——持續瞭兩個星期之久的非法活動,竟讓我嘗到瞭第一絲革命的甜頭。既沒有工作也沒有社會地位,我們過著一種秘密的地下生活,脫離瞭法治,在咖啡館和地下室開會,起草宣言,策劃示威,繪製標語牌和海報。在這種發...
評分說實話,讀起來難有共鳴。 摘錄三段: 這次罷工持續瞭兩個星期——持續瞭兩個星期之久的非法活動,竟讓我嘗到瞭第一絲革命的甜頭。既沒有工作也沒有社會地位,我們過著一種秘密的地下生活,脫離瞭法治,在咖啡館和地下室開會,起草宣言,策劃示威,繪製標語牌和海報。在這種發...
評分說實話,讀起來難有共鳴。 摘錄三段: 這次罷工持續瞭兩個星期——持續瞭兩個星期之久的非法活動,竟讓我嘗到瞭第一絲革命的甜頭。既沒有工作也沒有社會地位,我們過著一種秘密的地下生活,脫離瞭法治,在咖啡館和地下室開會,起草宣言,策劃示威,繪製標語牌和海報。在這種發...
圖書標籤: 旅行文學 英國 西班牙 文學 洛瑞·李
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