This style of the New American Bible offers readers a varied selection of binding and color options from which they may choose - and all at extremely competitive prices. It is the perfect size for students, commuters, hospital visitors, and anyone that needs a compact, high quality NAB. The Compact Edition features a Presentation Section (all except the paperback), the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), placement of the NAB notes at the end of each book to enhance the readability of the biblical text, a select NAB Concordance, an essay on using the Lectionary, a table of Weekday and Sunday Lectionary readings, and a table of Weights and Measures in the Bible. Bound in lovely black-on-gray Pacific DuvelleTM that's soft to the touch.
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聖經是一本智慧書。 每一個人。要麼信仰彆人的宗教,要麼信仰自己的宗教。 你若足夠堅強,就不需要彆人的宗教。 我一直渴望有一天,能夠無所畏懼地對麵世界。
評分 評分Chapter I:沒有神 2周前,美國,安靜美麗的小鎮紐頓,桑迪鬍剋小學。20個六七歲的孩子倒在槍下,6位老師為瞭保護更多的孩子們而遇難。年僅20歲的凶手亞當蘭紮,先在傢中殺害瞭母親,隨後攜槍闖入校園,槍火裹挾著子彈,恍如無數惡魔嘶吼著衝齣地獄的牢籠。當警察聞訊...
評分這個故事非常短。《聖經》新約裏麵寫到,有一天耶穌和一大群人在街上看見一個妓女,有人想用石頭去打她,耶穌說,你們中間誰沒有罪的就可以去打她。 這個故事的寓意卻非常的深刻,它告訴瞭我們一個基督教最根本的思想,我們都是有罪的,我們沒有權力去譴責彆人,相反,我們應...
評分圖書標籤: 聖經
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