作者唐纳德•卡根(Donald Kagan)(1932- ),美国著名历史学家,耶鲁大学古典学与历史学斯特林教席荣誉退休教授,古希腊历史研究的权威学者,1958年获得俄亥俄州立大学博士学位,2002年获颁美国国家人文奖章,2005年当选为该年度杰弗逊人文大师,著有《雅典帝国的灭亡》(1987)、《沉睡中的美国》(2000)、《西方的遗产》(2000)、《伯罗奔尼撒战争的爆发》(2003)等,最新一部作品《修昔底德》由维京出版社推出。
The Peloponnesian War 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分唐納德‧卡根(Donald Kagan)是戰後美國希臘史的名家,其四卷本伯羅奔尼撒戰爭的專著,被公認是最詳盡的研究作品;幾年前華東師範大學出版社引進了第一卷《伯羅奔尼撒戰爭的爆發》,其餘三卷據說也將陸續翻譯。本書是作者聽從建議,專門針對“一般讀者”重新濃縮改寫而成,...
评分看完书后本来想写个关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的读后感 打开豆瓣 一看简评 某些评论真是让我大开眼界 转念一想算了 借这个机会以一名历史爱好者的身份说说对市场上出版的历史著作的思考 就历史著作来说大致分为四个门类:1历史古籍 从古代流传至今的著作 代表作当然是二十四史之类的啦...
评分A lot could be learned from this book, among them a full picture of the 5th century political and military struggles among the ancient Greeks, which is highly valuable because there is so few accounts left or ever existed for other ancient civilizations, an...
图书标签: 古希腊
The Stalingrad of the ancient world, this is an immensely readable, brilliant, brutal and vivid history of the greatest and bloodiest war of ancient Greece. The Peloponnesian War, fought 2,500 years ago between oligarchic Sparta and democratic Athens for control of Greece, is brought spectacularly to life in this magnificent study. Kagan demonstrates the relevance of this cataclysmic event to modern times in all its horror and savagery. As two uncompromising empires fight a war of survival from diametrically opposing political, social and cultural positions, the seemingly invincible glory of Athens crumbles in tragedy. Athenian culture and politics was unmatched in originality and fertility, and is still regarded as one of the peak achievements of Western civilisation. Dramatic poets such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes raised tragedy and comedy to a level never surpassed; architects and sculptors were at work on the Acropolis; natural philosophers like Anaxagoras and Democritus were exploring the physical world, and philosophers like Socrates were dissecting the realm of human affairs. All this was lost to this bloody conflict. In this work of brilliant scholarship, Kagan illustrates his remarkable ability to interpret these events as a part of the universality of human experience. His clear expertise in both the ancient world and the wars of the 20th-century are combined with his storytelling gifts to give an unforgettable portrait of this pivotal war that has shaped the world as we know it.
The Peloponnesian War 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书