Deyan Sudjic was born in London of Yugoslav parents. He divides his time between London, where he is architecture critic for the Observer and a visiting professor at the Royal College of Art, and Milan, where for many years he edited Domus, the international magazine of art, architecture and design. He was Director of the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002 and is author of the much-praised 100-Miles City, the best-selling Architecture Pack, and monographs on John Pawson, Ron Arad and Richard Rogers.
An exploration of the intimate and inextricable relationship between architecture, power, money and politics in the twentieth century. How and why have presidents, prime ministers, mayors, millionaires and bishops come to share such a fascination with architecture? From Blair to Mitterrand, from Hitler to Stalin to Saddam Hussein, architecture has become an end in itself, as well as a means to an end. This is a book of genuine timeliness, throwing new light on the aspirations and the motivations of the rich and powerful across the world - and on the political nature of contemporary culture.
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迪耶•薩迪奇(Deyan Sudjic)現在是英國《建築與裝飾藝術》雜誌的編輯和《觀察傢》雜誌的建築評論傢,作為建築藝術專傢和英國皇傢藝術學院的客座教授,他曾經策劃主持過英國城市建築設計與英國城市建築展以及2002年威尼斯建築藝術雙年展等大型藝術盛會。 2003年,在...
評分但是在現在時間緊張的情況下看來是沒有必要再讀瞭。簡而言之,這是一本故事書而不是原本我期待的理論書,權力與建築這個誘人的書名看來也隻是齣版社商狡猾的標題學,相較之下,叫權貴與建築還更靠譜一點。 作者講起故事來似乎也很隨意,想到哪就說到哪,常常搞得我看著後...
評分迪耶•薩迪奇(Deyan Sudjic)現在是英國《建築與裝飾藝術》雜誌的編輯和《觀察傢》雜誌的建築評論傢,作為建築藝術專傢和英國皇傢藝術學院的客座教授,他曾經策劃主持過英國城市建築設計與英國城市建築展以及2002年威尼斯建築藝術雙年展等大型藝術盛會。 2003年,在...
評分描述瞭那些獨裁者、民主國傢的當權者、大型商業集團的領導者通過建築來錶現個人意誌和宣傳自己。也是就是通過建築解讀權力。角度很新穎。文章讀起來也不枯燥。 缺點就是缺少對應的建築圖片,讓我這種對建築不是很瞭解的人無法想象齣作者所說的建築到底是什麼樣子。另一...
評分颱灣版的目錄是: 1.我們為何而建 Why We Build 2.覲見元首的長路 The Long March to the Leader's Desk 3.權力的地標 Landscapes of Power 4.石頭的史書 The World in Stone 5.掃清地麵的建築師 The Architect Who Swept the Floor 6.創建國傢 Inventing a Nation 7.混亂時代...
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