拉维•哈吉(Rawi Hage),1964年生于贝鲁特,在九年的黎巴嫩内战中长大。1984年移居纽约,并于1991年定居加拿大蒙特利尔,先后在道森学院和康考迪亚大学学习摄影和美术,还当过出租车司机。
2006年,出版第一部长篇小说《德•尼罗的游戏》,先后入围加拿大最重要的两大文学图书奖吉勒奖和总督奖,并荣获2008年度IMPAC都柏林国际文学奖。《异乡变形记》是他的第二部小说,于2008年出版,同样入围吉勒奖和总督奖,并获得魁北克作家联合会休•麦克莱南小说奖。2012年,出版第三部小说《狂欢节》,入围加拿大作家信任奖(Writers’ Trust Award),并获得休•麦克莱南小说奖。2013年,被温哥华公共图书馆选为第九位常驻作家。
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Our unnamed narrator has left his Middle-Eastern home and settled in a chilly, western city. He lives as an exile, untrusted, unwanted, foreign. A stranger trying to make sense of a strange land.
But he brings with him secrets - of a family tragedy that he failed to prevent and a childhood overshadowed by war. And as he wanders snowy streets, falling in love with fellow exile Shoreh, he realizes that to find a place in this alien world it is necessary to become someone else. Someone he never dared to be in his past life . . .
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