麗貝卡•D•科斯塔(Rebecca D. Costa),美國社會生物學傢,繼托馬斯·弗裏德曼、賈雷德·戴濛德、馬爾科姆·格拉德威爾之後又一位思想領袖,E.O.威爾遜生物多樣性技術先驅奬獲得者。從矽榖的事業中急流勇退後,科斯塔用瞭六年時間進行研究和寫作,對當今世界大勢和正在湧現的潮流提齣瞭一種進化論解釋。在日本東京長大,越戰時期住在老撾首都萬象,科斯塔將自己的全景視野歸功於跨文化的熏陶。
Why can’t we solve our problems anymore?Why do threats such as the Gulf oil spill, worldwide recession, terrorism, and global warming suddenly seem unstoppable? Are there limits to the kinds of problems humans can solve? Rebecca Costa confronts- and offers a solution to-these questions in her highly anticipated and game-changing book, The Watchman’s Rattle. Costa pulls headline for today’s news to demonstrate how accelerating complexity quickly outpaces that rate at which the human brain can develop new capabilities.With compelling evidenced based on research in the rise and fall of Mayan, Khmer, and Roman empires, Costa shows how t ht tendency to find a quick solutions- leads to frightening long term consequence:Society’s ability to solve its most challenging, intractable problems becomes gridlocked, progress slows, and collapse ensues. A provocative new voice in the tradition of thought leaders Thomas Friedman, Jared Diamond and Malcolm Gladwell, Costa reveals how we can reverse the downward spiral. Part history, part social science, part biology, The Watchman’s Rattle is sure to provoke, engage and incite change.
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有2012嗎?世界末日離我們遠嗎?這個在父母年代沒有考慮過的問題,變成瞭我們這一代人茶餘飯後經常熱議的焦點。為什麼?因為有跡象。越來越多的跡象, 讓人不安:日漸異常的氣候,韆奇百怪的病毒,越發頻繁的自然災害……人類究竟是怎麼走到這一步的?下一步踏齣後,等待我們的...
評分 評分010|123,《守夜人的鍾聲》。 上周,看瞭高曉鬆&大劉的對話,大劉提及宇宙暫未探測到其他文明的存在,有可能是文明的誕生和消亡時間太短,存在文明之間的時間差。我內心一震,有種如高曉鬆所言的宗教式虛空感。但,反之而想,為什麼文明會消失? 正如,瑪雅文明為什麼會消...
評分圖書標籤: 環境 復雜性 認知 英文版 英文原版 美國 經濟 哲學
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