《 簡明讀本(中英文版):莊子》內容簡介:The Collection of Critical Biographies of Chinese Thinkers, underthe general editorship of the late honorary president of NanjingUniversity, Professor Kuang Yarning, is the largest-scale project ofresearch materials on Chinese thinkers undertaken since thebeginning of the twentieth century. Standing on the shoulders ofthis great man and other 200 well-known Chinese professors, thiscollection of concise Chinese-English version is not only based ona profound academic foundation, but also exhibits a brand newfeature which is the virtue of explaining the profound in a simpleway, hence leading readers to mastery of the contents; it alsoincorporates a refined principle of selection, a simple mode ofevaluation and commentary, and a moving narration of the storiesand their wisdom.
Zhuangzi, one of the most brilliant philosophers in Chinese history,advocated a simple life according to one's own conscience andnature without restraint. His humor, sophistication, literary genius,and philosophical insights found their perfect expression in hismasterpiece Zhuangzi, which has deeply influenced the traditionalOriental art and culture as well as the contemporary western world.
《中國思想傢評傳》簡明讀本(中英文版) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
《中國思想傢評傳》簡明讀本(中英文版) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載