君特·格拉斯(Günter Grass,1927~2015)德意誌聯邦共和國作傢。1927年齣生於但澤市。父親是德國商人,母親為波蘭人。1944年,尚未成年的格拉斯被徵入伍。1945年負傷住院。戰爭結束時落入美軍戰俘營。戰後曾從事過各種職業,先當農業工人,學習過石雕和造型藝術, 後成為職業作傢、雕刻傢和版畫傢。他是“四七”社成員,政治上支持社會民主黨,主張改良。在1970年社會民主黨上颱執政時,曾積極投入支持勃蘭特競選的活動。他的政治態度和作品中過多的色情內容曾在國內外引起過不少批評。
Beginning with the unforgettable words 'Granted: I'm an inmate in a mental institution', "The Tin Drum", the narrative of thirty-year-old Oskar Matzerath, is widely acclaimed as one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. On his third birthday Oskar resolves to stunt his own growth at three feet, and on the same day he receives his first tin drum. Wielding his drum and piercing scream as anarchic weapons, he draws forth memories from the past as well as judgements about the horrors, injustices, and eccentricities he observes through the long nightmare of the Nazi era. Oskar participates in the German post-war economic miracle - working variously in the black market, as an artist's model, in a troupe of travelling musicians - yet he remains haunted by the deaths of his parents, afflicted by his responsibility for past sins. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of publication, Harvill Secker, along with Grass' publishers all over the world, is bringing out a new translation of this classic novel. The acclaimed translator and scholar, Breon Mitchell, has drawn from many sources: from a wealth of detailed scholarship; from a wide range of newly available reference works; and from discussion with the author himself. After fifty years, "The Tin Drum" has, if anything, gained in power and relevance.
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《鐵皮鼓》、《貓與鼠》、《狗年月》 在“但澤三部麯”中,格拉斯站在真實的時間和地點寫故事,創造齣的環境是壓抑的。這種壓抑不僅僅通過故事情節彌漫到讀者身上,更通過文字的錶達方式:反復提及的人物特徵(擂鼓的侏儒奧斯卡、喉結像老鼠的馬爾剋、愛吃甜食的參議教師布魯尼...
評分唉我終於讀完瞭……熱淚盈眶…… 奧斯卡的感情是不閤常理的,然而,又敘述得如此理所當然、如此真實甚至動人……也許在這種小說裏去談動人非常愚蠢且無恥,那不如把我也當做被無情戲謔的一部分。我隻能說,當我看到奧斯卡往自己的繼母手裏吐唾沫的時候,看到他對著玻璃瓶祈禱的...
評分 評分土豆給瞭我棕色的頭發 ——《鐵皮鼓》的神話寓言 時值諾貝爾文學奬大浪再起的季節,歐洲小說繼續以其強大的動力掃射著耀眼的光芒。不過作為當下時代文學的一個傢族傳統,奬項與其品質並無絕對的聯係。 我隻就小說本身說事。 不過,鑒於20世紀的小說普遍...
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