Tom Rob Smith graduated from Cambridge University in 2001 and lives in London. His first novel, Child 44, was a New York Times bestseller and an international publishing sensation. Among its many honors, Child 44 won the ITW 2009 Thriller Award for Best First Novel, The Strand Magazine 2008 Critics Award for Best First Novel, the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award, and was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Tom invites you to visit his website and follow @tomrobsmith on Twitter.
Agent 6 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分才云鹏 里奥在时隔十五年之后,去调查早已死去的妻子被杀真相,究竟有什么意义?有的人会说其现实意义绝无,但《6号特工》告诉读者一个深刻的道理:人之死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛,其分野就在于你是否将生命和尊严画上等号。如果你喜欢苟延残喘地活着,那么,思想对你来说就...
评分拖了很长时间,终于把Tom Rob Smith的苏联三部曲看完了。想起第一次看《Child 44》,还是在2010年。记得当时我还在读研究生,一直到现在将近有七年时光,期间三部曲的后两本《The Secret Speech》和《Agent 6》陆续出版,而我自己也有幸翻译了简体中文版的[《秘密演讲》]。从读...
图书标签: 黑暗苏联三部曲 汤姆·罗伯·史密斯 欧美推理 推理小说 我读的书 Tom.Rob.Smith Tom-Rob-Smith Tom
Tom Rob Smith-the bestselling, award-winning author of Child 44 and one of the most critically-acclaimed new writers of our time-returns with a thrilling and provocative new novel.
How far would you go to solve a crime against your family?
It is 1965. Leo Demidov, a former secret police agent, is forbidden to travel with his wife and daughters from Moscow to New York. They are part of a "Peace Tour," meant to foster closer relations between the two Cold War enemies. On the tour, Leo's family is caught up in a conspiracy and betrayal that ends in tragedy. In the horrible aftermath, Leo demands one thing: that he be allowed to investigate and find the attacker that struck at the heart of his family on foreign soil. From the highest levels of the Soviet government, he is told No, that is impossible. Leo is haunted by the question: what happened in New York? In a surprising, epic story that spans decades and continents-from 1950s Moscow to 1960s America to the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s-Leo's long pursuit of justice will force him to confront everything he ever thought he knew about his country, his family, and himself.
因为Child 44 而继续读 Tom Rob Smith的三部曲之一,Agent 6。读书的过程中,心中一直有个疑问:Who Is Agent 6? Where Is He or She? What's His or Her Mission? 直至几乎结尾,谜底才被揭开。说实话,略有失望。小说的政治倾向性很明显,跨度很大,但略显拖沓。
评分因为Child 44 而继续读 Tom Rob Smith的三部曲之一,Agent 6。读书的过程中,心中一直有个疑问:Who Is Agent 6? Where Is He or She? What's His or Her Mission? 直至几乎结尾,谜底才被揭开。说实话,略有失望。小说的政治倾向性很明显,跨度很大,但略显拖沓。
评分因为Child 44 而继续读 Tom Rob Smith的三部曲之一,Agent 6。读书的过程中,心中一直有个疑问:Who Is Agent 6? Where Is He or She? What's His or Her Mission? 直至几乎结尾,谜底才被揭开。说实话,略有失望。小说的政治倾向性很明显,跨度很大,但略显拖沓。
Agent 6 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书