Joseph E. Stiglitz is a professor of economics at Columbia University and the recipient of a John Bates Clark Medal and a Nobel Prize. He is also the former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. His books include Globalization and Its Discontents, The Three Trillion Dollar War, and Making Globalization Work. He lives in New York City.
In February of 2008, amid the looming global financial crisis, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France asked Nobel Prizewinning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen, along with the distinguished French economist Jean Paul Fitoussi, to establish a commission of leading economists to study whether Gross Domestic Product (GDP)the most widely used measure of economic activityis a reliable indicator of economic and social progress. The Commission was given the further task of laying out an agenda for developing better measures.
Mismeasuring Our Lives is the result of this major intellectual effort, one with pressing relevance for anyone engaged in assessing how and whether our economy is serving the needs of our society. The authors offer a sweeping assessment of the limits of GDP as a measurement of the well-being of societiesconsidering, for example, how GDP overlooks economic inequality (with the result that most people can be worse off even though average income is increasing); and does not factor environmental impacts into economic decisions.
In place of GDP, Mismeasuring Our Lives introduces a bold new array of concepts, from sustainable measures of economic welfare, to measures of savings and wealth, to a green GDP.” At a time when policymakers worldwide are grappling with unprecedented global financial and environmental issues, here is an essential guide to measuring the things that matter.
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汪洋推薦瞭兩本書,分彆是《幸福的方法》和《為什麼GDP增長不等於社會進步》。我翻瞭一下,迅速放下瞭前者,認真地讀完瞭後者。 前者作者是哈佛大學的教授,看名字象是猶太人。書看下去有很強的宗教宣講意味,很濃的積極心理學理論。俗瞭點。 後者不看不知道,一看嚇一跳。薩...
評分還沒實際見到書 但看介紹似乎是對這份報告(的翻譯 該委員會首頁:
評分時任廣東省委書記的汪洋強烈推薦的、由兩位諾貝爾經濟學奬得主約瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stigliz)和阿瑪蒂亞•森(Amartya Sen)外加前法國總統經濟顧問保羅•菲圖西(Paul Fitoussi)領銜的豪華國際團隊曆時一年半的研究成果的精華部分,就是這本《對我們生活的誤測...
評分時任廣東省委書記的汪洋強烈推薦的、由兩位諾貝爾經濟學奬得主約瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stigliz)和阿瑪蒂亞•森(Amartya Sen)外加前法國總統經濟顧問保羅•菲圖西(Paul Fitoussi)領銜的豪華國際團隊曆時一年半的研究成果的精華部分,就是這本《對我們生活的誤測...
評分還沒實際見到書 但看介紹似乎是對這份報告(的翻譯 該委員會首頁:
圖書標籤: economics 經濟 經濟學 生活經驗 生活常識 Sustainability
有趣小書一本。Stiglitz和Sen兩個經濟學諾奬+Jean-Paul Fitoussi+Nicolas Sarkozy的招牌,齊轟一個基本又重要的經濟學概念,玩的就是噱頭。說白瞭就是把傳統經濟學往哲學倫理學和其它社會科學拓展,非主流裏的主流。
評分有趣小書一本。Stiglitz和Sen兩個經濟學諾奬+Jean-Paul Fitoussi+Nicolas Sarkozy的招牌,齊轟一個基本又重要的經濟學概念,玩的就是噱頭。說白瞭就是把傳統經濟學往哲學倫理學和其它社會科學拓展,非主流裏的主流。
評分有趣小書一本。Stiglitz和Sen兩個經濟學諾奬+Jean-Paul Fitoussi+Nicolas Sarkozy的招牌,齊轟一個基本又重要的經濟學概念,玩的就是噱頭。說白瞭就是把傳統經濟學往哲學倫理學和其它社會科學拓展,非主流裏的主流。
評分有趣小書一本。Stiglitz和Sen兩個經濟學諾奬+Jean-Paul Fitoussi+Nicolas Sarkozy的招牌,齊轟一個基本又重要的經濟學概念,玩的就是噱頭。說白瞭就是把傳統經濟學往哲學倫理學和其它社會科學拓展,非主流裏的主流。
評分有趣小書一本。Stiglitz和Sen兩個經濟學諾奬+Jean-Paul Fitoussi+Nicolas Sarkozy的招牌,齊轟一個基本又重要的經濟學概念,玩的就是噱頭。說白瞭就是把傳統經濟學往哲學倫理學和其它社會科學拓展,非主流裏的主流。
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