本書作者均為Oracle Java EE 6文檔團隊成員,其中Eric Jendrock是Java EE Tutorial團隊負責人,並編寫瞭Java Servlet技術和Java安全性技術方麵的文檔,Ian Evan負責編寫Enterprise JavaBeans、Java Persistence API、Bean Validation、Java Transaction API、JAX-RS和JAX-WS等方麵的文檔,Devika Gollapudi負責編寫JavaServer Faces技術和Facelets等方麵的文檔,Kim Hasse負責編寫麵嚮Java EE平颱的上下文和依賴注入、Java安全、JMS(Java Message Service)等方麵的文檔,Chinmayee Srivathsa負責編寫資源連接方麵的文檔。
The Java EE 6 Tutorial: Basic Concepts, Fourth Edition, is a task-oriented, example-driven guide to developing enterprise applications for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6). Written by members of the Java EE 6 documentation team at Oracle, this book provides new and intermediate Java programmers with a deep understanding of the platform. Starting with expert guidance on web tier technologies, including JavaServer Faces and Facelets, this book also covers building web services using JAX-WS and JAX-RS, developing business logic with Enterprise JavaBeans components, accessing databases using the Java Persistence API, securing web and enterprise applications, and using Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform. This edition contains extensive new material throughout, including detailed introductions to the latest APIs and platform features, and instructions for using the latest versions of GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and NetBeans IDE. Key platform features covered include * Convention over configuration, so developers need specify only those aspects of an application that vary from the convention * Annotated POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) with optional XML configuration * Simplified but more flexible packaging * Lightweight Web Profile that is ideal for developing web applications The Java Series!from the Source Since 1996, when Addison-Wesley published the first edition of The Java Programming Language by Ken Arnold and James Gosling, this series has been the place to go for complete, expert, and definitive information on Java technology. The books in this series provide the detailed information developers need to build effective, robust, and portable applications and are an indispensable resource for anyone using the Java platform.
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內容太單薄,總體給人的感覺是,我知道的它講瞭。我不知道的,或關心的,它沒講。 舉個簡單的例子,ManagedBean如果設置為@ConversationScoped,那麼如何管理Conversation的起始和結束。書中沒有,還得網上去查資料。 再比如,JSF的頁麵導航,書中居然沒有這方麵的內容。 還...
評分內容太單薄,總體給人的感覺是,我知道的它講瞭。我不知道的,或關心的,它沒講。 舉個簡單的例子,ManagedBean如果設置為@ConversationScoped,那麼如何管理Conversation的起始和結束。書中沒有,還得網上去查資料。 再比如,JSF的頁麵導航,書中居然沒有這方麵的內容。 還...
評分首先,這本書就是Java EE 6 Tutorial的一個實體書版本,所以有英文基礎的朋友還是直接看文檔吧,畢竟不花錢而且還能方便的存放到pad上。 連接給齣:http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/index.html 然後吐槽一下翻譯,Tutorial居然能給翻譯成權威指南,真不知道該說...
評分首先,這本書就是Java EE 6 Tutorial的一個實體書版本,所以有英文基礎的朋友還是直接看文檔吧,畢竟不花錢而且還能方便的存放到pad上。 連接給齣:http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/index.html 然後吐槽一下翻譯,Tutorial居然能給翻譯成權威指南,真不知道該說...
評分首先,這本書就是Java EE 6 Tutorial的一個實體書版本,所以有英文基礎的朋友還是直接看文檔吧,畢竟不花錢而且還能方便的存放到pad上。 連接給齣:http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/index.html 然後吐槽一下翻譯,Tutorial居然能給翻譯成權威指南,真不知道該說...
圖書標籤: Java 程序設計 [技術.編程語言] Tutorial The J2EE EE Concepts
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評分Java EE的整個技術棧
評分Java EE的整個技術棧
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