Matt Ridley
The Rational Optimist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分给 “怀旧的环保主义”看看病 作者:邝海炎 近段时间,“你幸福吗?”的提问很流行。在时下中国,也许你孩子会吃到毒奶粉,也许你爱人出门会遇到70码,也许你还会“被精神病”……但尽管这样,从历时态的人类状况看,我们每个人获得幸福的物质基础还是在增加...
评分知道人类在稳步前进,是看了《繁荣的背后》之后。记得那本书中开头有个记载很让人惊讶----自从工业革命以来,全球的经济基本上都在以2% 的速度增进,哪怕是期间经历了多少次毁灭性的大战、瘟疫等各种大灾难,却丝毫不能挡住这股前进的洪流。叫人不由得感慨----2,可真是...
评分相信未来《理性乐观派》 对于人类的未来,我们听得最多的就是各种悲观的预言,相比之下乐观派好像被挤得没有一席之地。所以看看乐观派的观点有时候也很有好处。在关于全球变暖的争论中,就有人持乐观的态度,列举历史上的温度变化,来证明现在上升的这一点点温度,不应该...
图书标签: 全球思想家 温室效应 商业 农业 人口 Reading
Matt Ridley, acclaimed author of the classics Genome and Nature via Nurture, turns from investigating human nature to investigating human progress. In The Rational Optimist Ridley offers a counterblast to the prevailing pessimism of our age, and proves, however much we like to think to the contrary, that things are getting better. Over 10,000 years ago there were fewer than 10 million people on the planet. Today there are more than 6 billion, 99 per cent of whom are better fed, better sheltered, better entertained and better protected against disease than their Stone Age ancestors. The availability of almost everything a person could want or need has been going erratically upwards for 10,000 years and has rapidly accelerated over the last 200 years: calories; vitamins; clean water; machines; privacy; the means to travel faster than we can run, and the ability to communicate over longer distances than we can shout. Yet, bizarrely, however much things improve from the way they were before, people still cling to the belief that the future will be nothing but disastrous. In this original, optimistic book, Matt Ridley puts forward his surprisingly simple answer to how humans progress, arguing that we progress when we trade and we only really trade productively when we trust each other. The Rational Optimist will do for economics what Genome did for genomics and will show that the answer to our problems, imagined or real, is to keep on doing what we've been doing for 10,000 years -- to keep on changing.
这个英文版 各大机场里 当时都有买
The Rational Optimist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书