《緊黎曼麯麵》內容簡介:These notes form the contents of a Nachdiplomvorlesung given at the Forschungs-institut fiir Mathematik of the Eidgen6ssische Technische Hochschule, Ziirich fromNovember, 1984 to February, 1985. Prof. K. Chandrasekharan and Prof. JiirgenMoser have encouraged me to write them up for inclusion in the series, published byBirkhnser, of notes of these courses at the ETH.
Dr. Albert Stadler produced detailed notes of the first part of this course, and veryintelligible class-room notes of the rest. Without this work of Dr. StUrdier, these noteswould not have been written. While I have changed some things (such as the proof ofthe Serre duality theorem, here done entirely in the spirit of Serre's original paper), thepresent notes follow Dr. Stadler's fairly closely.
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