Roger Penrose is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. He has received a number of prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their joint contribution to our understanding of the universe. His books include The Emperor’s New Mind, Shadows of the Mind, and The Nature of Space and Time, which he wrote with Hawking. He has lectured extensively at universities throughout America. He lives in Oxford.
Roger Penrose's groundbreaking and bestselling "The Road to Reality" provided a comprehensive yet readable guide to our present understanding of the laws that are currently believed to govern our universe. In "Cycles of Time", he moves far beyond this to develop a completely new perspective on cosmology, providing a quite unexpected answer to the often-asked question, 'what came before the Big Bang'? The two key ideas underlying this novel proposal are a penetrating analysis the Second Law of thermodynamics - according to which the 'randomness' of our world is continually increasing - and a thorough examination of the light-cone geometry of space-time. Penrose is able to combine these two central themes to show how the expected ultimate fate of our accelerating, expanding universe can actually be reinterpreted as the 'Big Bang' of a new one. On the way, many other basic ingredients are presented, and their roles discussed in detail, though without any complex mathematical formulae (these all being banished to the appendices). Various standard and non-standard cosmological models are presented, as is the fundamental and ubiquitous role of the cosmic microwave background. Also crucial to the discussion are the huge black holes lying in galactic centres, and their eventual disappearance via the mysterious process of Hawking evaporation.
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40多年前,彭羅斯(與霍金一起)證明瞭奇點定理,這是他對宇宙學的最大貢獻,我喜歡說那是數學的一小步(將整體微分幾何用於時空結構),宇宙學的一大步。奇點定理說,在幾個簡單的閤理的條件下(如能量條件、時序性等),時空是不完備的(即存在不能延伸的非類空測地綫)。 ...
評分40多年前,彭羅斯(與霍金一起)證明瞭奇點定理,這是他對宇宙學的最大貢獻,我喜歡說那是數學的一小步(將整體微分幾何用於時空結構),宇宙學的一大步。奇點定理說,在幾個簡單的閤理的條件下(如能量條件、時序性等),時空是不完備的(即存在不能延伸的非類空測地綫)。 ...
評分上迴說瞭,循環的CCC自然麵對著兩個問題:遙遠的未來如何與大爆炸的起點等同起來呢?循環如何滿足“永不循環”的熱力學第二定律? CCC對那兩個問題的迴答是:第一,宇宙的初態是低熵的,而終態是高熵的,其演化滿足熱力學第二定律;第二,一個世代的初態與前一個世代的終態...
評分上迴說瞭,CCC是靠Weyl麯率來實現的,Weyl麯率是CCC的數學核心。這迴就復習那個著名的張量。 Weyl麯率的故事大概可以從30多年前說起。1979年,劍橋大學齣版社齣版瞭一本由霍金等人編輯的紀念愛因斯坦的文集General relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey(Eds. S W Haw...
評分上迴說瞭,循環的CCC自然麵對著兩個問題:遙遠的未來如何與大爆炸的起點等同起來呢?循環如何滿足“永不循環”的熱力學第二定律? CCC對那兩個問題的迴答是:第一,宇宙的初態是低熵的,而終態是高熵的,其演化滿足熱力學第二定律;第二,一個世代的初態與前一個世代的終態...
圖書標籤: 宇宙學 廣義相對論7 輪迴宇宙 相對論 熵 暴漲 微波背景輻射 大爆炸
雖然ccc理論不一定經得起時間考驗, 但作者對於時空的觀點很值得反復思考。
評分雖然ccc理論不一定經得起時間考驗, 但作者對於時空的觀點很值得反復思考。
評分雖然ccc理論不一定經得起時間考驗, 但作者對於時空的觀點很值得反復思考。
評分雖然ccc理論不一定經得起時間考驗, 但作者對於時空的觀點很值得反復思考。
評分雖然ccc理論不一定經得起時間考驗, 但作者對於時空的觀點很值得反復思考。
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