Jeremy Keith 國際知名的Web設計師,Web標準項目組成員,DOM Scripting任務組負責人之一,任職於Web谘詢公司Clearleft。除本書外,還著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通過其個人網站adactio.com與他聯係。
Jeffrey Sambells 資深平麵設計師,Web開發人員,創辦瞭軟件公司We-Create並擔任研發總監。除本書外,還著有《JavaScript高級程序設計》和 Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax等多部暢銷書。
There are three main technologies married together to create usable, standards-compliant web designs: XHTML for data structure, Cascading Style Sheets for styling your data, and JavaScript for adding dynamic effects and manipulating structure on the fly using the Document Object Model. This book is about the latter of the three.
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model gives you everything you need to start using JavaScript and the Document Object Model to enhance your web pages with client-side dynamic effects. We start off by giving you a basic crash course in JavaScript and the DOM, then move on to provide you with several real world examples built up from scratch including dynamic image galleries and dynamic menus, and show you how to manipulate web page styles using the CSS DOM, and create markup on the fly.
New material for this edition includes a run through of the most popular JavaScript libraries and their use.
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寒假中就看過這本書,語法部分幾乎是一覽而過,跟其他的語言沒有多大的差彆。草草的通讀瞭一遍,但作者的傳授的思想讓我記憶深刻。自己也做瞭一個簡單的js動畫。 最近,打算開始好好學習js,我又翻齣這本書復習瞭一遍。書中的各個例子無一不體現作者的“預留退路”“循序漸進”...
評分周末翻閱瞭一下,其實我就是想看看與第一版有什麼區彆。 除瞭例子改成瞭html5的寫法,並且加入瞭介紹html5的一張外,與第一版沒什麼區彆。 還是一如既往的強調“優雅降級”、“漸進增強”。做web app的話就不用考慮這些瞭... ---EOF---
評分周末翻閱瞭一下,其實我就是想看看與第一版有什麼區彆。 除瞭例子改成瞭html5的寫法,並且加入瞭介紹html5的一張外,與第一版沒什麼區彆。 還是一如既往的強調“優雅降級”、“漸進增強”。做web app的話就不用考慮這些瞭... ---EOF---
評分半年前,當我對JavaScript還停留在隻認識這幾個字母的時候,有一天我突然心血來潮,在網上下瞭DOM Scripting的樣章,照著裏麵的例子寫瞭我平生第一個能讓我知所以然JavaScript,在瀏覽器運行成功,興奮不已,從此能把學習編程的熱情持續半年以上,破瞭過去隻能熱一兩個星期的記...
評分圖書標籤: javascript DOM JavaScript web Programming Web 計算機 html5
評分主要講述如何用JS操縱DOM,順帶提及瞭一點CSS的知識。作者循循善誘,讀之如一位老師在身邊耳提麵命,反復告誡應該怎樣寫和不應該怎樣寫,是Web Design的入門佳品。惜乎內容較淺,且文字略為囉嗦,其實很多內容隻要給齣代碼再輔以簡短解釋便可,不用詳細到每個循環、每個分支都加上大段解釋
評分I skip through this book and I think it's good for rookie, but some of the contents are obsolete, especially the degradation part.
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