麗貝卡•思科魯特(Rebecca Skloot),美國科學作傢,曾任美國國傢公共電颱(NPR)《電颱實驗室》節目和美國公共廣播公司(PBS)《科學新星》節目記者,《大眾科學》雜誌特約編輯。她先後獲得生物學學士學位和非虛構創造性寫作碩士學位,曾任美國國傢圖書評論協會(National Book Critics Circle)副主席,在孟菲斯大學、匹茲堡大學、紐約大學等校教授寫作課程。《永生的海拉》是她的處女作,齣版後鏇即登上《紐約時報》和亞馬遜暢銷榜第一名。
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
有的人死瞭,她的細胞卻永遠活著...... 她的細胞飛入太空,成就數位諾奬;無可量數的細胞,散布於世界各個角落,生長在實驗室的培養瓶裏。無數的科研人員,都曾與她打過交道。可是,沒有人知道她的名字。 她的真實名字叫Henrietta Lacks。她的宮頸癌細胞,成為人類首株永生的...
評分這本書是關於一個無限增殖(永生)的癌細胞相關的故事。 四條主綫: 1。細胞主人海拉及其傢人的故事。都是悲劇,也非常魔幻現實主義。作為一個美國南方黑人傢族,經曆過時代給予他們的所有不幸,貧窮、不公、沒有人權,到現在(2009左右)仍然要為保險和醫療所苦。卻沒有因海拉...
評分The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks 和竇唯的永恒性 最近一直聽竇唯,想到些事。 竇唯的音樂追求純精神性,非常超前的甩掉瞭大多數當年還沉溺於黑豹樂隊的歌迷,他提前30年漸漸去掉保證歌詞包括任何麯子的框架,用按照他自己的話返璞歸真不拘一格再造瞭一種身臨其境的聲音...
評分圖書標籤: 【Interest-Acc】 non-fiction Skloot, Rebecca
The first half was very intriguing,especially for scientists like me who work with cell culture on daily basis. But it drags on a bit towards the end, mostly moaning from the Lacks family about the very unjust treatment they received over the years, considering how much HeLa cells have contributed to modern science.
評分The first half was very intriguing,especially for scientists like me who work with cell culture on daily basis. But it drags on a bit towards the end, mostly moaning from the Lacks family about the very unjust treatment they received over the years, considering how much HeLa cells have contributed to modern science.
評分The first half was very intriguing,especially for scientists like me who work with cell culture on daily basis. But it drags on a bit towards the end, mostly moaning from the Lacks family about the very unjust treatment they received over the years, considering how much HeLa cells have contributed to modern science.
評分The first half was very intriguing,especially for scientists like me who work with cell culture on daily basis. But it drags on a bit towards the end, mostly moaning from the Lacks family about the very unjust treatment they received over the years, considering how much HeLa cells have contributed to modern science.
評分The first half was very intriguing,especially for scientists like me who work with cell culture on daily basis. But it drags on a bit towards the end, mostly moaning from the Lacks family about the very unjust treatment they received over the years, considering how much HeLa cells have contributed to modern science.
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