Comic artist and writer, born in 1977.
Chihoe still watered bed at the age of 10 punished by Papa to practice calligraphy. Later he won the 1st price of calligraphy in school. Since 1996 he has released his works in various magazines, newspapers and overseas anthologies. Sometimes he also writes comic criticism for newspapers. His albums include "Piece of mind" and "Still Life". He lives in Hongkong and wishes to be a craftsman one day.
Chihoi's renouned album Still Life compiles four stories on mortality. The autobiographic "Summer" gives account on the suicide of Chihoi's friend at teenage. Acclaimed "Whisper", which was released in various international anthologies, is compiled in Chinese for the first time here. The other two stories are "Contemplation" and "Papa", where the later is one of Chihoi's most beloved stories he has done so far.
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圖書標籤: 智海 漫畫 香港 繪本 漫畫 默示錄 繪本 香港漫畫
評分智海的著作(暫不計『花花』係列)每次讀完都引發我的深思,同時陷入書中那片黑白灰的世界,令我想一讀再讀。最後一篇『爸爸』是整本書下來最精彩的部分,這邊說阿丹的生日派對,那邊立刻轉到思敏的喪禮,人生 不就是這樣一個循環嗎?牧師說的那句:死亡就是這樣子瞭,你永遠無法知道事發的確實時間和地點,不用什麼實據來證明它的真實。你隻知道,死瞭,就是死瞭。到後來描述爸爸去世的一事,故事情節推到最高點,他不忍心麵對這件事,蛇對他說的話令人沉重無比,那一片黑用意很特別。然後,他又迴到瞭平常生活,找工作...坐巴士迴傢...
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