The epic tale of Don Quixote and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, and their picaresque adventures in the world of seventeenth century Spain, form the basis of one of the great treasures of Western literature - a book that is both a hilarious satire of the chivalric code and a biting portrayal of an age in which nobility can be a form of madness. This brand-new, thoroughly modern translation, and the extensive introduction and footnotes, make Cervantes' masterpiece more delightful and accessible to English readers than ever before.
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英雄往往是孤獨的。堂吉訶德在林間伴著全副武裝就寢之前,也許會這樣想。 堂吉訶德的遠徵,在齣發之前就已經注定瞭失敗——他所嚮往的遊俠騎士製度,早已壽終正寢。然而,他沒有如此瞻前顧後。他踏上瞭一個注定無果而終,但也注定瞭要被韆古傳頌的徵程。一路上的艱辛隻有自己在...
評分 評分N年前齣的電影《盜夢空間》,我近期無聊時看瞭.盡管對很多地方不明白,但是卻給瞭我一個印象:夢與現實的糾纏不清,夢可能比現實更真實,人可能願意呆在夢中,而不願意迴到現實. 這部電影讓我想起前不久看的《唐吉訶德》.書看瞭都一段時間瞭,可是一直沒有好好整理總結.其實我...
評分昆德拉在《帷幕》中曾感慨,《堂吉訶德》與《湯姆•瓊斯》一類,其敘事藝術被奇怪地擱淺幾個世紀。隨著小說轉入精細化的描寫時代,它被“曆史”的陰影所籠蓋。(大意如此) 關於這本寫作於17世紀初的作品(1605-1615,上下部先後齣版),就其敘事技巧而言,可以寫...
圖書標籤: 西班牙 小說 塞萬提斯
A crazy man his life he passed , but in his senses died at last .
評分A crazy man his life he passed , but in his senses died at last .
評分A crazy man his life he passed , but in his senses died at last .
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