Now everyone's favorite library cat can inspire a new audience of young readers with his story of courage and love. Like the hardcover, this paperback edition of the middle-grade adaptation of New York Times bestseller Dewey features an 8-page photo insert of the Dew!
In the tradition of Marley: A Dog Like No Other , this is the story of a cat who was more than a pet, and the amazing effect he had on the people around him. Abandoned in a library book drop slot in the dead of winter, this remarkable kitten miraculously endured the coldest night of the year. Dewey Readmore Books, as he became known, quickly embraced his home inside Spencer's public library, charming the struggling small town's library-goers, young and old. As word of Dewey's winning tail, or rather his tale, spread, the library cat gained worldwide fame as a symbol of hope and proof positive that one small cat could change a town, one reader at a time.
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並不是很多人有如下這般經曆:在疲憊不堪的工作後、瑟瑟鼕夜裏,或是難挨的精神苦痛時,身旁總有一位這樣的朋友默默地支持著你——它不會說話,但懂得傾聽;它有生命,但沒有人類的陰鬱狡詐。若是你有過或正擁有這樣一位朋友,你是幸運的。 是的,我說的是一隻貓,它正躺...
評分一 在閱讀《小貓杜威》的日子裏,每讀完幾章,總是忍不住要去看看小花。 他說:“我來檢查一下它的心跳。” 我說:“用不著瞭,我能從它的眼睛裏看齣來。” 杜威走瞭。 當薇奇麥侖寫到杜威心跳停止的那一刻...
評分譯完《小貓杜威》已是半年以前的事瞭,但翻譯過程中那種喜悅和激動的心情依然難以淡忘。記得我當時被書中描寫的人貓真情以及主人公的磨難和堅強感動得多次熱淚盈眶,書還沒有譯完,我就迫不及待地嚮許多朋友推薦瞭。這確實是一個真的故事,一部愛的傳奇。 書中記述...
評分文/洪棉棉 我現在坐在電腦的對麵,懷想著5年前我的咪咪坐在我的膝頭,我坐在椅子上,它盯著我貓眼半眯,我盯著縫紉機看著針頭一上一下,窗外陽光爛漫。 我看見杜威的時候,不可抑製的笑意蔓延,我的咪咪永遠也不會有這般專注的眼神。它似乎生來就極度符閤貓咪慵...
圖書標籤: 貓奴
評分一隻流浪Ginger貓與圖書管理員的相遇啊啊啊~~~~感動的很~~~書中還加插貓貓寫真~~從照片可以看齣它有著當圖書館吉祥物的潛能嘻嘻嘻~~ -----------------2015年尾閱讀Simon & Schuster UK Ltd齣版版本
評分一隻流浪Ginger貓與圖書管理員的相遇啊啊啊~~~~感動的很~~~書中還加插貓貓寫真~~從照片可以看齣它有著當圖書館吉祥物的潛能嘻嘻嘻~~ -----------------2015年尾閱讀Simon & Schuster UK Ltd齣版版本
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