Reprint of the original 1984 edition much sought after by strigiphile ornithologists. There have been some very minor revisions including name changes for some of the birds and place names, especially in Zimbabwe.
Steyn has a very easy reading style and each owl gets its own historical narrative, in the process building some personal biography of the author as well as the biology of the birds. Steyn writes on the Barn Owl, African Grass-Owl, Marsh Owl, African Wood-Owl, Southern White-faced Scops-Owl and African Scops Owl, Pearl-spotted Owlet, African Barred Owlet, Spotted Eagle-Owl, Cape Eagle Owl, Verreux's Eagle- Owl (formerly known as the Giant Eagle Owl) and the rare Pel's Fishing Owl.
The magnificent photographs draw the reader into the accounts of how Steyn got to know these fascinating birds. One can live the author's observations vicariously, feeling joy and grief at the fortunes and misfortunes of these extraordinary birds.
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