罗贝托•波拉尼奥(Roberto Bolaño,1953—2003)出生于智利,父亲是卡车司机和业余拳击手,母亲在学校教授数学和统计学。1968年全家移居墨西哥。1973年波拉尼奥再次回到智利投身社会主义革命却遭到逮捕,差点被杀害。逃回墨西哥后他和好友推动了融合超现实主义、达达主义以及街头剧场的“现实以下主义”(Infrarrealism)运动,意图激发拉丁美洲年轻人对生活与文学的热爱。1977年他前往欧洲,最后在西班牙波拉瓦海岸结婚定居。2003年因为肝脏功能损坏,等不到器官移植而在巴塞罗那去世,年仅五十岁。
2666 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
能坚持读完《2666》,实在是一件值得炫耀的事,在速读时代,它实在是太浩大,也太突兀了。 这是5本小说组成的鸿篇巨制,每部小说主题不同、背景不同,甚至写法也不同。 第一本是个多角恋爱的故事,像大多数现代小说那样沉闷,几个文青追寻共同喜爱的作家来到墨西哥边境小镇。...
评分《2666》:文学中的文学 胡续冬 (原载《外滩画报》) 在很多国家和地区的文学史上,都会有一些风云际会、大师辈出的“巅峰世代”,比方说西班牙的二七一代、俄罗斯的白银时代等等,这些“巅峰世代”往往会过度透支一片土地上的文学元气,导致其文学后...
评分一开始你不相信一个作者可以想到什么说什么看到什么写什么,从小我们就知道写作文要有“中心思想“不是?2666的情节,故事套着故事,枝枝丫丫的,无所不包,就是找不着中心思想。 我跑到鬼子的bolano论坛疯狂提问(因为国内没太多人看2666),阿根廷农场那个故事嘛意思?那个砍...
图书标签: 波拉尼奥
Santa Teresa, on the Mexico US border, is an urban sprawl that draws in lost souls. Among them are three academics on the trail of a reclusive German author; a New York reporter on his first Mexican assignment; a widowed philosopher; and a police detective in love with an elusive older woman. But there is darker side still to the town. It is an emblem of corruption, violence and decadence, and one from which, over the course of a decade, hundreds of women have mysteriously, often brutally, disappeared. Told in five parts, 2666 is the epic novel that defines one of Latin America's greatest writers and his unique vision of the modern world. Conceived on an astonishing scale, and in the last years of Roberto Bolano's life with burning, visionary commitment, it has been greeted across Europe and Latin America as his masterpiece, surpassing even his previous work in inventiveness, imagination, beauty and scope. 'A tour de force though the phrase seems hardly adequate to describe the novel's narrative velocity, polyphonic range, inventiveness, and bravery' New York Review of Books 'One of the giants of the post-Marquez era' Sunday Telegraph 'One of the greatest and most influential modern writers' James Wood
2666 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书