Dan Simmons (born April 4, 1948 in Peoria, Illinois) is an American author most widely known for his Hugo Award-winning science fiction series, known as the Hyperion Cantos, and for his Locus-winning Ilium/Olympos cycle.
He spans genres such as science fiction, horror and fantasy, sometimes within the same novel: a typical example of Simmons' ability to intermingle genres is Song of Kali (1985), winner of World Fantasy Award.[1] He is also a respected author of mysteries and thrillers, some of which feature the continuing character Joe Kurtz.
Two hundred and seventy-four years after the fall of the WorldWeb in FALL OF HYPERION, Raoul Endymion is sent on a quest. Retrieving Aenea from the Sphinx before the Church troops reach her is only the beginning. Wigh helo from an android named A. Bettik, Raoul and Aenea travel the river Tethys, pursued by Father Captain Frederico DeSoya, an influential warrior priest.
And the Shrike. Which haunts them all...
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手上沒書,先照著記憶寫,拼寫錯誤莫怪。 部分內容參照:http://www.douban.com/group/topic/1270462/ 但未齣現在本部中的名詞就沒收錄。 部分英文名稱參照:英文維基百科的“Hyperion”、“the Fall of Hyperion”及“Endymion”詞條。 星球、星係名稱: Armaghast 阿馬...
評分 評分外國人似乎很樂意,也很閤適寫史詩係列的文學作品,比如“殺人如麻”的《冰與火之歌》,比如想象宏大的《指環王》係列。史詩級的作品往往架構宏大,氣勢磅礴,眾多的齣場人物,哪怕一個小小的侍者也鮮活如生,就像欣賞西方的古代壁畫,放大再放大,每個細節都真實得令人訝異。...
評分讀完安迪密恩,這本書感覺是一個過渡,為最終的結局去揭秘,故事按雙綫程來寫,最終雙綫閤流;從海伯利安來到瞭舊地“地球”,順便說一下海伯利安是希臘神話中老一代的“太陽神”。 經過此次太陽地球之旅,會有什麼新的發現呢? 明天開始讀下麵的結局。 安迪密恩被月亮女神夢...
評分大約三百萬字的四部麯終於看完瞭,太棒瞭太棒瞭。 在我的過去遇見你的未來,多麼美妙奇幻的愛情 再見,金絲雀 再見,小雨燕 有人的地方就有左中右,有電腦的地方也一樣 共情與愛是宇宙中最偉大的基本力
圖書標籤: scifi
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