Full Dark No Stars 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《暗夜无星》书评 《暗夜无星》这本书拿在手上,心里非常的喜欢。书的封面为了配合书名,也做的是漆黑一片。但是最黑的黑恰恰和最白的白一样都是最怕脏的,就像纯黑的衣服沾了灰和白衣服沾灰一样显眼。夏天的手拿着书放下,封面就留下一个手印儿。真是觉得心里可惜,回家就...
评分我也不知道为什么,并没有觉得那些人有什么地方做的不对。或许是因为看书的过程中,我并没有头脑,也就没有了作为自己的判断。 所以到底是怎么回事呢?第一,大概因为我没有考虑结婚,目前也没有女友,所以《1922》和《大司机》似乎隔着一层纱;第二,我只是个想靠恐怖入眠的混...
评分 评分文/宋薇棠 不知为何,在关于斯蒂芬·金几部最重要的作品里,我至今记得的,只剩下《闪灵》中的只言片语:“那天回想起小时候,好像是最痛苦最没有希望的时代,又好像是所有痛苦都还没有到来的时代。”就像黎明将至的午夜,又似灰烬中的余烟,一切似乎还有希望,却又沉在黑暗里...
图书标签: 惊悚 美国 犯罪 StephenKing 悬疑 小说 stephen_king 首图
Among the greatest stroy-tellers, Stephen King is mastered at ingenious design and depict of mental conflicts. He precisely recorded the reactions and behaviors of people under certain circumstances, perhaps not logical in plot, but explanatory in humanity.Back at the stories full dark and no stars, is his profund discern and compassion feelings.
评分Among the greatest stroy-tellers, Stephen King is mastered at ingenious design and depict of mental conflicts. He precisely recorded the reactions and behaviors of people under certain circumstances, perhaps not logical in plot, but explanatory in humanity.Back at the stories full dark and no stars, is his profund discern and compassion feelings.
评分Among the greatest stroy-tellers, Stephen King is mastered at ingenious design and depict of mental conflicts. He precisely recorded the reactions and behaviors of people under certain circumstances, perhaps not logical in plot, but explanatory in humanity.Back at the stories full dark and no stars, is his profund discern and compassion feelings.
评分很带感!1922, the big driver, the fair extention, a good marriage
Full Dark No Stars 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书