道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)
道格拉斯·亚当斯以《银河系漫游指南》系列 作品在科幻迷中享有极高声誉,该作品后来还拍成电影。亚当斯的早逝在科幻和奇幻社群中引起了极大的哀悼。在他去世的前些天,国际天文学协会的小行星中心刚刚将一颗编号18610的小行星命名为“阿瑟·邓特”(《银河系漫游指南》一书中人物)。
马克·卡沃丁(Mark Carwardine)
Last Chance To See 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
道格拉斯·亚当斯,知名编剧,幽默科幻小说家,一生中最得意的作品,不是科幻小说,而是科普读物。在国内许多既有的亚当斯作品中,对这本书的书名翻译都是《最后一眼》,本次出版的改名大概是为了蹭银河系漫游指南的热度。 严格来讲,本书不能算作一本合格的科普读物,必须要说...
评分Imagine that you decided to set off on a trip to a remote island that’s full of exotic animals without any humans living on it. During preparation of the trip, somehow modern civilization failed to equip you with well-preserved food that fits in a backp...
评分你完全没预料到这一切会发生。某天,一个突如其来的任务搅乱了你的生活。缘于偶然的工作际遇,你即将被派往一个与世隔绝的地方,和一位动物学家一起去寻找一种珍稀动物。 在此之前,你从没来过这个地方,对于自己被派来这里的原因,也丝毫没有头绪——毕竟,这与你所熟悉的工作...
评分Imagine that you decided to set off on a trip to a remote island that’s full of exotic animals without any humans living on it. During preparation of the trip, somehow modern civilization failed to equip you with well-preserved food that fits in a backp...
评分Imagine that you decided to set off on a trip to a remote island that’s full of exotic animals without any humans living on it. During preparation of the trip, somehow modern civilization failed to equip you with well-preserved food that fits in a backp...
图书标签: 道格拉斯·亚当斯 超级幽默的吐槽向科普读物 DNA
Douglas Adams leads us on an unforgettable journey around the world to see species on the brink of extinction.
After years of reflecting on the absurdities of life on other planets, science-fiction author Douglas Adams teams up with zoologist Mark Carwardine on an expedition to find out what’s happening to life on this one.
Douglas Adams英年早逝真是太可惜了!
评分Douglas Adams英年早逝真是太可惜了!
Last Chance To See 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书