保羅•科利爾(Paul Collier),牛津大學非洲經濟研究中心主任,前世界銀行發展研究組主任,英國政府非洲委員會顧問,非洲經濟問題的世界頂級專傢之一,著有《最底層的10億人》(The Bottom Billion)、《難民》(Refugee)、《針眼》(The Eye of the Needle)等。曾獲萊昂內爾·吉爾伯奬(The Lionel Gelber Prize)、剋林納國際書捲奬(Corine - Internationaler Buchpreis)、亞瑟·羅斯圖書奬(Arthur Ross Book Award)、埃斯托利爾全球事務傑齣著作奬(Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize)等。2010年和2011年,被《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)雜誌列入“全球頂尖思想傢”。
In "Wars, Guns and Votes", award-winning author Paul Collier investigates the violence and poverty in the countries at the bottom of the world economy that are home to a billion people. A highly-regarded economist and expert on developing countries, Collier argues that the spread of elections and peace settlements in the world's most volatile countries may lead eventually to a brave new democratic world. In the meantime, though, nasty and protracted civil wars, military coups, and failing economies will plague the bottom billion - unless national sovereignty is curtailed and economic disciplines introduced.Through innovative research and astute analysis, Collier provides an eye-opening assessment of the ethnic divisions and insecurity in the developing countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia where the democratic process so often fails. There have been many policy failures by the United States, the UK and other developed countries since the end of the Cold War, especially the reliance on pre-emptive military intervention, but Collier insists that these problems can and will be rectified. He persuasively outlines what must be done to bring long-term peace and stability.
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很多人年輕時都夢想拯救世界,後來……他們長大瞭。長大之後,他們的夢想就成瞭買一棟漂亮房子、組建一個和睦傢庭,並且勵精圖治地要將孩子送進名校。這樣的轉型當然無可厚非,甚至可以說是閤情閤理——你以為你是誰?世界銀行的首席專傢? 保羅·科利爾,大約是極少數五六十歲...
評分 評分作者保羅科利爾是一位非洲問題多年的觀察者,我毫不懷疑他對於處於世界經濟最下遊的10億人深處戰爭與疾病、飢荒的威脅之中的同情,和對他們(絕大多數都是二戰後殖民主義破産後的新興國傢)所在國傢在脫離原宗主國後,在宗主國的幫助下,照葫蘆畫瓢實施西式民主製度,卻造成經...
評分我們共識的“民主選舉”是建立在能救國的假設之上,是建立在選舉製度公正清白的假設之上,但在文章中除瞭提齣的一些必備條件,“最底層10億人的國傢”最需要的是一位有全局觀的優秀無私的領導人。比如穆塞韋尼總統。 “我們鼓勵這些國傢搞民主選舉,結果卻弄得他們上不沾天、下...
圖書標籤: 非洲 經濟學 政治 PaulCollier
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