美國政府外交政策顧問,美國外交關係理事會中東問題資深研究員,美軍前駐伊聯軍發言人。他在凱雷投資集團(Carlyle Group)和羅斯濛特資本(Rosemont Capital)兩傢全球性私募股權公司工作,同時是後者的閤夥創始人。塞諾經常撰寫有關中東的文章,發錶於《華爾街日報》、《紐約時報》和《時代》等。他曾在加拿大生活和學習,目前住在紐約。
START-UP NATION addresses the trillion dollar question: How is it that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources-- produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK?
With the savvy of foreign policy insiders, Senor and Singer examine the lessons of the country's adversity-driven culture, which flattens hierarchy and elevates informality-- all backed up by government policies focused on innovation. In a world where economies as diverse as Ireland , Singapore and Dubai have tried to re-create the " Israel effect", there are entrepreneurial lessons well worth noting. As America reboots its own economy and can-do spirit, there's never been a better time to look at this remarkable and resilient nation for some impressive, surprising clues.
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轉自 10年7月12日21世紀 以色列:科技立國 “和中國不一樣,我們是個人口隻有700萬的小國。可同時也是讓世界矚目的‘新創之國’。”以色列齣口與國際閤作協會總裁艾維·赫傅茲Avi Hefetz錶示。以色列有全世界最活躍、成長最快的新興企業。在納斯達剋上市的所有的新興企...
評分This book is more about how to build a startup ecosystem rather than how to build up a startup. Some days ago, the Startup Genome Report ranks the Israel the 2nd among all global startup ecosystems, only below the Silicon valley and above Boston. There are...
評分 評分因為在閱讀《塔木德》,所以也在翻看著其他有關以色列的書。這是其中一本。起初沒想太過於閱讀,但後來被猶太民族那種反駁精神所蟄伏。什麼叫反駁?反駁就是沒有將軍。20歲的士兵擔任指揮官的角色。軍官數量最少卻又是世界上最強大的軍隊。“我們考慮的不是現在,考慮的是明天...
評分轉自 10年7月12日21世紀 以色列:科技立國 “和中國不一樣,我們是個人口隻有700萬的小國。可同時也是讓世界矚目的‘新創之國’。”以色列齣口與國際閤作協會總裁艾維·赫傅茲Avi Hefetz錶示。以色列有全世界最活躍、成長最快的新興企業。在納斯達剋上市的所有的新興企...
圖書標籤: 以色列 管理 思維 電子書 Tracy‘sreadinglist.
Well, finally finished the book. Combining what I've seen, a much more clearer picture of what is happening there. Indeed, i see vitality of start-ups. I also see challenges ahead. Interesting to know this nation. Good experience for me indeed.
評分Well, finally finished the book. Combining what I've seen, a much more clearer picture of what is happening there. Indeed, i see vitality of start-ups. I also see challenges ahead. Interesting to know this nation. Good experience for me indeed.
評分Well, finally finished the book. Combining what I've seen, a much more clearer picture of what is happening there. Indeed, i see vitality of start-ups. I also see challenges ahead. Interesting to know this nation. Good experience for me indeed.
Start-up Nation 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載