Wakefield 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Wakefield Nathaniel Hawthorne In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man--let us call him Wakefield--who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor--wit...
评分Wakefield Nathaniel Hawthorne In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man--let us call him Wakefield--who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor--wit...
评分Wakefield Nathaniel Hawthorne In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man--let us call him Wakefield--who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor--wit...
评分Wakefield Nathaniel Hawthorne In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man--let us call him Wakefield--who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor--wit...
评分Wakefield Nathaniel Hawthorne In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man--let us call him Wakefield--who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor--wit...
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评分想起某句歌词:“寂寞是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的寂寞。”真正的孤独不是无所寄托,而是不再被人挂怀、不被人感到需要,是与周遭的人、事、物失去应有的联系。就像电影《寻梦环游记》中死去的人那样,只有当它们不再被世人所怀念时才会真正的死去…“无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温,无人告我夜已深,无人共我把酒分”并不可怕。最可怕、最可悲的当是自我作死,主动切断与周围的关系。没把“相濡以沫 不如相忘于江湖”玩好,最终却把自己玩成了 “the outcast of the universe”。
Wakefield 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书