Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, in 1832, the second of four daughters of Abigail May Alcott and Bronson Alcott, the prominent Transcendentalist thinker and social reformer. Raised in Concord, Massachusetts, and educated by her father, Alcott early on came under the influence of the great men of his circle: Emerson, Hawthorne, the preacher Theodore Parker, and Thoreau. From her youth, Louisa worked at various tasks to help support her family: sewing, teaching, domestic service, and writing. In 1862, she volunteered to serve as an army nurse in a Union hospital during the Civil War— an experience that provided her material for her first successful book, Hospital Sketches (1863). Between 1863 and 1869, she published several anonymous and pseudonymous Gothic romances and lurid thrillers. But fame came with the publication of her Little Women (1868– 69), a novel based on the childhood adventures of the four Alcott sisters, which received immense popular acclaim and brought her financial security as well as the conviction to continue her career as a writer. In the wake of Little Women’s popularity, she brought out An Old- Fashioned Girl (1870), Little Men(1871), Eight Cousins (1875), Rose in Bloom (1876), Jo’s Boys (1886), and other books for children, as well as two adult novels, Moods (1864) and Work (1873). An active participant in the women’s suffrage and temperance movements during the last decade of her life, Alcott died in Boston in 1888, on the day her father was buried.
Little Women 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 美国 设计 英文版 小说 美国文学 × Louisa.May.Alcott Children'sLit
A beautiful new Deluxe Edition of Alcott’s beloved novel, with a foreword by National Book Award-winning author and musician Patti Smith. Nominated as one of America’s most-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read.
Little Women is recognized as one of the best-loved classic children’s stories, transcending the boundaries of time and age, making it as popular with adults as it is with young readers. The beloved story of the March girls is a classic American feminist novel, reflecting the tension between cultural obligation and artistic and personal freedom. But which of the four March sisters to love best? For every reader must have their favorite. Independent, tomboyish Jo; delicate, loving Beth; pretty, kind Meg; or precocious and artistic Amy, the baby of the family? The charming story of these four “little women” and their wise and patient mother Marmee enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England was an instant success when first published in 1868 and has been adored for generations.
评分我跟Jane Smiley缘分奇特,她的小说没看过,倒先看她写的门罗与小妇人导言了。导言没有太多新鲜的干货,无可避免提及Laurie和Bhaer的比较,提到后者是前者的相反面这点倒有点意思。只是后来Bhaer和Jo开设学校,Jo如他所愿不再写作,让我倍感惋惜,却算在另一层面上实现了路易莎父亲的乌托邦之梦。导言还提到路易莎在健康状况恶化了八到十年之后,于父亲死后三天后去世——除了可能患有胃癌之外,她在1862年接受了甘汞(氯化汞)作为伤寒的治疗药物,并在余生中承受着它的不良影响。但即便这样,她仍两度前往欧洲,看看这个世界,以及收养过世姐妹的孩子,养活整个家庭。这套手绣版如果真要收藏,买英文版即可,中文版翻译实在味同嚼蜡。
Little Women 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书