* Already know Python but want to learn more? A lot more? Dive into a variety of topics used in practice for real-world applications. * Covers regular expressions, Internet/network programming, GUIs, SQL/databases/ORMs, threading, and Web development. * Learn about contemporary development trends such as Google+, Twitter, MongoDB, OAuth, Python 3 migration, and Java/Jython. Presents brand new material on Django, Google App Engine, CSV/JSON/XML, and Microsoft Office. Includes Python 2 and 3 code samples to get you started right away! * Provides code snippets, interactive examples, and practical exercises to help build your Python skills. The Complete Developer's Guide to Python Python is an agile, robust, and expressive programming language that continues to build momentum. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. In Core Python Applications Programming, Third Edition, leading Python developer and corporate trainer Wesley Chun helps you take your Python knowledge to the next level. This book has everything you need to become a versatile Python developer. You will be introduced to multiple areas of application development and gain knowledge that can be immediately applied to projects, and you will find code samples in both Python 2 and 3, including migration tips if that's on your roadmap too. Some snippets will even run unmodified on 2.x or 3.x. * Learn professional Python style, best practices, and good programming habits * Build clients and servers using TCP, UDP, XML-RPC, and be exposed to higher-level libraries like SocketServer and Twisted * Develop GUI applications using Tkinter and other available toolkits * Improve application performance by writing extensions in C/C++, or enhance I/O-bound code with multithreading * Discover SQL and relational databases, ORMs, and even non-relational (NonSQL) databases like MongoDB * Learn the basics of Web programming, including Web clients and servers, plus CGI and WSGI * Expose yourself to regular expressions and powerful text processing tools for creating and parsing CSV, JSON, and XML data * Interface with popular Microsoft Office applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook using COM client programming * Dive deeper into Web development with the Django framework and cloud computing with Google App Engine * Explore Java programming with Jython, the way to run Python code on the JVM * Connect to Web services Yahoo! Finance to get stock quotes, or Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and others to download or send e-mail * Jump into the social media craze by learning how to connect to the Twitter and Google+ networks Core Python Applications Programming, Third Edition, delivers *Broad coverage of a variety of areas of development used in real-world applications today *Powerful insights into current and best practices for the intermediate Python programmer *Dozens of code examples, from quick snippets to full-fledged applications *A variety of exercises at the end of every chapter to help hammer the concepts home
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評分Python核心編程2ed 中文翻譯工程成員自述 行者無疆 http://code.google.com/p/openbookproject/wiki/CorePyZhPeople
評分剛開始接觸Python的時候看過幾本用於入門的紙質書籍,比如《Python基礎教程》、《A Byte of Python》,也在網路上上看瞭幾個教程,比如w3cschool的《Python 基礎教程》、《A Byte of Python》的譯文《簡明 Python 教程》,這些都是用於入門很不錯的讀物,當然也僅限於入門。 我...
評分第一眼看到這本書的時候,天哪,又是一本磚頭一樣的書,頓時信心少瞭一半,隨便翻瞭下書,對於當時的我來說,過於深,此書並不太適閤初學者來看,尤其我這種基礎差的人。而且,當初看瞭豆瓣的評價,立馬打退堂鼓,把此書丟書架上去瞭。 在我看完瞭think Python和pyth...
評分十分推薦的一本書。本書的內容實際上就是大緻介紹瞭一下部分python標準庫裏的模塊和一些第三方模塊,並且主要是網絡方嚮。 書中講解的都不深,可以說隻是對這些模塊做瞭簡單介紹並給齣一些小例子(基本上每個模塊都有一個或幾個配套的實例)。如果真正想做開發肯定還要單獨去深...
圖書標籤: Python Programming 編程 python Applications 程序設計 計算機科學 application
正在看第二版 這書和第二版相比簡直跳躍太大 不能看作是係列的延續瞭 不過分的模塊很好 條例很清 我挑著看的
評分內容看似很多,但都太淺瞭,扔個模塊,講個demo就沒瞭. 隻能當做hello world來用.
評分內容看似很多,但都太淺瞭,扔個模塊,講個demo就沒瞭. 隻能當做hello world來用.
評分Core Python Applications Programming這本書突然齣瞭新版瞭?記得原書的寫作水平一般般
評分python is so powerful
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