Megapopular writer John Scalzi's Whatever blog is often described as one of the few websites with a readable comments section, thanks to his strict policy of culling offensive posts — a process he refers to as "wielding the Mallet of Loving Correction." He's also known for posting oddly manipulated photos of himself and putting bacon on his cat. He writes novels, too, such as the Hugo-nominated Old Man's War, about elderly citizens given fresh young bodies and sent into space to fight aliens.
Scalzi is at heart a humorist — his novel The Android's Dream opens with a chapter-long fart joke — though the difficulties of marketing humorous science fiction have often caused publishers to downplay that. But Redshirts, which is being advertised as a Star Trek parody, may signal that Scalzi has achieved a profile sufficient enough to be beyond such worries. Redshirts concerns low-ranking crew members aboard an interstellar starship who start to notice a disturbing pattern — folks like themselves never seem to make it home safe from alien worlds, whereas high-ranking officers always seem strangely untouched by the danger.
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請想象一下這樣的世界設定:你每天看起來都是正常地生活,你所遇到的事情,似乎大部分是偶然發生的。而其實你隻是某個作傢筆下的配角,你身上所發生的事情,都是既定的,你的使命是完成推動主角重要劇情的發展之後,你就會從作傢的筆下消失——因為你已經沒有存在的必要瞭。 當...
評分 評分 評分//讀書日記 《星際迷航–紅杉》 我之前還以為我把星際迷航周邊係列看完瞭,結果我看的是人類決裂係列,星際正篇看都沒看。這隻能怪齣版商齣瞭一套又一套,硬是不搞完整,不過也隻差紅杉和毛毛星球瞭。 開篇一如既往的星際殺生狂魔互砍現場,然後主角和他們朋友們以陌生人的身份...
評分即使讀客把這本書的裝幀做得如此奇怪,我還是必須給這本書打5星。 對我來說,這是一本滿分科幻作品。 ——————讀客你把裝幀做的這麼坑爹傢裏人知道嗎———— 首先吐槽一下裝幀,一嚮在名字上做愚蠢努力的讀客這次又乾瞭一件愚蠢的事。 它曾經把《海伯利安》的名字改...
圖書標籤: 科幻 幽默 小說 美國 科幻小說 English 英文 外國文學
There's a word for such a thing: "Impossible."
評分There's a word for such a thing: "Impossible."
評分The joke is on ST and its writers
評分……not really what i expected
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