娜恩·谢泼德 Nan Shepherd (1893-1981),英国作家、诗人,一直生活于苏格兰阿伯丁,曾在阿伯丁教育学院教授英国文学。她终生未婚,与山为伴,阿伯丁附近的凯恩戈姆山区遍布她的脚印,作品也都以大山为主题,包括散文、小说和诗集。
The Living Mountain 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在我过往的生命中,有某些片断,称不上特别,但总是会不断的浮现在脑海中,在心中泛起一些莫名的情愫。就像那年看到桃李新绿时心中涌起的悸动,在这往后的二十几年间,它不时在心中闪现,这让我对那个情境直到现在还记忆犹新,可能还会延续至以后的一生。 还有很多。十二三岁时...
评分(文:珍妮特·温特森) 此刻,我躺在床上,手捧娜恩·谢泼德的《活山》。这本书是一次诗意的地理学探索,主角是位于苏格兰东北部的一座山脉——凯恩戈姆。它写成于上世纪四十年代,直到七十年代才迟迟付梓,最近又被坎农格特出版社(Canongate)重版。 对我而言,阅读《活山》...
评分88分。 如霜雪般凌冽清透的文字,连思考仿佛也倒映着高山湖泊的颜色。谢泼德这位大山之女为我打开了很多扇窗户: 1 本土主义的世界狭小,却可能获得深不可测生命体验、揭示坚固的矛盾、挖掘深层的含义。 2 万物本身自有生命,山是一个整体,万物构成它。 3 “这就是我们观看世...
评分 评分图书标签: 自然 Shepherd 白 Nan 2019年想读 2018
The Living Mountain is a lyrical testament in praise of the Cairngorms. It is a work deeply rooted in Nan Shepherd's knowledge of the natural world, and a poetic and philosophical meditation on our longing for high and holy places. Drawing on different perspectives of the mountain environment, Shepherd makes the familiar strange and the strange awe-inspiring. Her sensitivity and powers of observation put her into the front rank of nature writing.
当代自然文学文类形成之前的佳作,kindle版64人标记这句话——Light in Scotland has a quality I have not met elsewhere. It is luminous without being fierce, penetrating to immense distances with an effort less intensity.
评分当代自然文学文类形成之前的佳作,kindle版64人标记这句话——Light in Scotland has a quality I have not met elsewhere. It is luminous without being fierce, penetrating to immense distances with an effort less intensity.
评分当代自然文学文类形成之前的佳作,kindle版64人标记这句话——Light in Scotland has a quality I have not met elsewhere. It is luminous without being fierce, penetrating to immense distances with an effort less intensity.
评分Another amazing experience of “reading at a high level”. 开始我以为会像wild fruits,读了一会觉得更像peregrine, but then the last few chapters are almost philosophical! — really beautiful philosophy too. I started reading with a Cairngorm map aside, and later realized I don’t need it. The book is so much more about the mountain; reading it is also a high climb.
The Living Mountain 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书