Psychological Types is one of Jung's most important and most famous works. First published by Routledge (Kegan Paul) in the early 1920s it appeared after Jung's so-called fallow period, during which he published little, and it is perhaps the first significant book to appear after his own confrontation with the unconscious. It is the book that introduced the world to the terms 'extravert' and 'introvert'. Though very much associated with the unconscious, in Psychological Types Jung shows himself to be a supreme theorist of the conscious. In putting forward his system of psychological types Jung provides a means for understanding ourselves and the world around us: our different patterns of behaviour, our relationships, marriage, national and international conflict, organizational functioning. Appearing in paperback for the first time this central volume from Jung's Collected Works will be essential to anyone requiring a proper understanding of Jung's psychology.
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MBTI理論認為一個人的個性可以從四個角度進行分析,用字母代錶如下: (注意區分工作人格&性格) 驅動力(獲取能量的方式)的來源:外嚮Extrovert---內嚮Introvert(是否很多朋友?平常如何度過空閑時間?更在意廣度還是深度?是否享受暴露在鎂光燈下) 接受信息的方式:感...
評分 評分榮格的一生都在認識真我,他曾有過以下一段話 “我就是相信,人類自我或曰人類靈魂的某一部分,不受製於時間和空間的法則”。榮格認為,人並非自己的主宰,而主要受一些不為我們所知的力量控製。榮格深信,心理現象必將遵循著一種有彆於物理法則的法則。 在一次的交談之中,佛...
評分 評分我是一個非常內傾的人,對於外傾的心理類型的感受不是很瞭解。最近看《心理類型》迷茫的想要放棄。因為瞭解外傾的特點的時候,其實是在動搖自己的世界,有一種自我建立的信仰體係崩塌的感覺。這種感覺隻要我試著去分析外傾的人的心理類型,他們的主觀世界所建立的評價體係的時...
圖書標籤: 榮格 心理學 心理類型 人格類型 MBTI 英文寫的
vague and subjective
評分vague and subjective
評分vague and subjective
評分vague and subjective
評分vague and subjective
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