Richard Bass
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Connecticut
Stochastic Processes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 数学 Mathematics 随机过程 随机分析 Stochastics Stochastic Statistics Processes
This comprehensive guide to stochastic processes gives a complete overview of the theory and addresses the most important applications. Pitched at a level accessible to beginning graduate students and researchers from applied disciplines, it is both a course book and a rich resource for individual readers. Subjects covered include Brownian motion, stochastic calculus, stochastic differential equations, Markov processes, weak convergence of processes and semigroup theory. Applications include the Black-Scholes formula for the pricing of derivatives in financial mathematics, the Kalman-Bucy filter used in the US space program and also theoretical applications to partial differential equations and analysis. Short, readable chapters aim for clarity rather than full generality. More than 350 exercises are included to help readers put their new-found knowledge to the test and to prepare them for tackling the research literature.
Bass出的随机过程,是他一贯的风格——非常简明,很少背景的阐述,证明也不拖泥带水,如果对stochastic有一定了解的人看会非常有效率。去年没出版时给我们试讲来着,不过听到后一半我已经totally lost了。这学期又有一个人用这本书,看在他还在preface里thank了我的份儿上买了一本。//这书拿出来很多次了,可都没看下去。和bass性格真的不合,不然找他当老板可能就没这么多事了……
评分Bass出的随机过程,是他一贯的风格——非常简明,很少背景的阐述,证明也不拖泥带水,如果对stochastic有一定了解的人看会非常有效率。去年没出版时给我们试讲来着,不过听到后一半我已经totally lost了。这学期又有一个人用这本书,看在他还在preface里thank了我的份儿上买了一本。//这书拿出来很多次了,可都没看下去。和bass性格真的不合,不然找他当老板可能就没这么多事了……
Stochastic Processes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书