about the author
Bom in Moscow, Russia, in l82l, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
led a very unsettled life. When his mother died, his father
sent Fyodor and his brother Michail to an army engineering
school. But Fyodor did not like engineering, and he tumed
instead to art and literature.
At the age of twenty-five, Dostoyevsky published his
first novel, Poor Folk. This immediately made him famous,
and he became the darling of Russia. But during this time
he had also joined a group of revolutionaries who were
caught and sent to prison in Sibcria. After four years at
hard labor and several more years in the anny, Dostoyevsky
had plenty of material to use for future novels.
Among Dostoyevsky's greatest works are Crime and
Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers
Karamazov. Although these and other novels brought him
wealth, he could never manage to enjoy it. He was a
gambler, a troublcmaker, a man who always acted before
he thought, yet he was also a loving father and brother, and
a very generous person. His health had never been good,
however, so that between his sickness and his difficult life,
he seemed to grow old very quickly. Dostoyevsky died in
1881 at the age of sixty. He is known as one of Russia's
greatest writers.
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一開始,在焦躁的路上走過,沿途一幕幕,懶洋洋的,熱帶風情的這一段非常吸引人。在陀思妥耶夫斯基的書中,經常齣現這樣漫無目的、猶豫的、焦躁的漫步,但都不像《罪與罰》的開篇那樣長,帶有一種企圖和引誘的快意。這是這本書看起來非常誘惑的第一點。 在殺死老太婆之前,沒...
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圖書標籤: 故事
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