Fandom Unbound 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 日本 文化研究 粉丝文化 文化 宅文化 fandom Otaku 社会科学人文
In recent years, otaku culture has emerged as one of Japan's major cultural exports and as a genuinely transnational phenomenon. This timely volume investigates how this once marginalized popular culture has come to play a major role in Japan's identity at home and abroad. In the American context, the word otaku is best translated as 'geek' - an ardent fan with highly specialized knowledge and interests. But it is associated especially with fans of specific Japan-based cultural genres, including anime, manga, and video games. Most important of all, as this collection shows, is the way otaku culture represents a newly participatory fan culture in which fans not only organize around niche interests but produce and distribute their own media content. In this collection of essays, Japanese and American scholars offer richly detailed descriptions of how this once stigmatized Japanese youth culture created its own alternative markets and cultural products such as fan fiction, comics, costumes, and remixes, becoming a major international force that can challenge the dominance of commercial media. By exploring the rich variety of otaku culture from multiple perspectives, this groundbreaking collection provides fascinating insights into the present and future of cultural production and distribution in the digital age.
评分2017-12 於圖書館九樓南
评分大部分是译文,日语到英语之间转换损失的信息有多少不得而知。主要的研究还都是从ethnography方面出发的,基本就是讲故事,读起来超轻松。因为缺乏来自更深更广领域的社会学科理论支持,作为一本学术类出版物还是轻薄了些,不过这也是fan studies一直被欧洲学术界所诟病的地方。有兴趣看看还是挺娱乐的。
评分与其说这本书展现了otaku研究的“最新成果”,不如说充分暴露了身/深居学院的研究者对该亚文化的寡闻,其实还是很problematic的,而且在我看来不少内容似乎都没能把握到更加重要的症候!辻泉、东浩纪、北田晓大等这种资深御宅写的文章能入乎其内出乎其外,别的研究就雷声大雨点小了——说的就是伊藤老师你呀,不过introduction写得特别好~说来,主要还是因为学院话语和中老一辈学者不待见、不了解otaku文化,才会导致这种花大力气在介绍圈内常识的研究层出不穷,当然也是民族志方法不够深入的缘故。otaku culture强调的正是imagination,synergy,participation,以及由此形成的community,而且这个群体是历史的产物,对于社会变迁的是极为敏感的。
Fandom Unbound 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书