Peter Seibel is either a writer turned programmer or programmer turned writer. After picking up an undergraduate degree in English and working briefly as a journalist, he was seduced by the web. In the early '90s he hacked Perl for Mother Jones magazine and Organic Online. He participated in the Java revolution as an early employee at WebLogic and later taught Java programming at UC Berkeley Extension. Peter is also one of the few second-generation Lisp programmers on the planet and was a childhood shareholder in Symbolics, Inc.
In 2003 he quit his job as the architect of a Java-based transactional messaging system to hack Lisp for a year. Instead he ended up spending two years writing a book, the Jolt Productivity Award winning Practical Common Lisp. His most recent book is Coders at Work, a collection of Q&A interviews with fifteen notable programmers and computer scientists.
When not writing books and programming computers Peter enjoys practicing tai chi. He live in Berkeley, California, with his wife Lily, daughters Amelia and Tabitha, and their dog Mahlanie.
Practical Common Lisp 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
就在两天前的晚上,我彻夜不眠地将《永生之酒》这部动画看完了。 这部作品叙事的方式很独特:一般的作品,通常叙事都是以一条时间线、单角色的角度进行的,而《永生》则将一个故事拆散,用三四条时间线分别错开,每条时间线上还有多个角色分别叙述自己的故事。 这样大胆的叙...
评分翻译是一大硬伤,很多人都抱怨 。close over 不应该翻译成“封闭包装”,应该翻译成“覆盖”。该书的定位也是颇为尴尬,在初学者,不够详细友好,在熟练者,根本不需要本书,在中游者,又太啰嗦。我主要拿来看例子的,语言部分要靠其他书。真不知道此书获得大奖的原因,还有就...
评分翻译的水平确实有待提高,不过英文原版本身写得就不怎么样,可以说是讲lisp的书里水平最差的一本,读起来不爽不能完全怪翻译。目的也许是好的,想讲得通俗一点,不过一句话能说清楚的东西非要用两三句话来说,并不一定能让读者更容易理解。 当然这本书的内容也不是完全没有亮...
评分Lisp 作为经典的黑客语言,日久弥新。对lisp 我想补充几点, 1 应该是lisp中首先提出垃圾回收机制; 2 lisp 的java 平台版本clojure也很火; 3 作为函数编程语言鼻祖 影响深远,尤其在现在硬件高度发达的情况下优点非常突出。 lisp 关注者相对于其他语言确实小众了一些,销...
评分这本书叫实用编程,是从实用角度来写的,里面的内容也很实用。 不过虽然作者在书里写了一些入门基础知识,但从整本书的结构上来看,很不利于学习lisp语言。 首先,基础知识诸如数据类型等说明很偏后,而且并不详尽,主次也不分明。 其次,很多函数和...
图书标签: 计算机 Lisp 编程 计算机科学 软件设计 软件开发 编程语言 程序设计
Now available in paperback-- Lisp is often thought of as an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world. Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to Common Lisp, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. Over a third of the book is devoted to practical examples, such as the core of a spam filter and a web application for browsing MP3s and streaming them via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). In other "practical" chapters, author Peter Seibel demonstrates how to build a simple but flexible in-memory database, how to parse binary files, and how to build a unit test framework in 26 lines of code.
Practical Common Lisp 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书