The Concept of Law 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
「法理思维与名著导读(四):哈特《法律的概念》导读」 陈景辉 中国政法大学法理学研究所副教授 本文以下引用的页码皆以英文版 H.L.AHart,TheConceptofLaw,Oxford:ClarendonPress,2nd.ed.(1994). 中译本请见,许家馨、李冠宜译,法律的概念,2000年。本文以下所引用的页码以英...
评分 评分 评分头顶金灿灿的警徽,肩扛沉甸甸的肩章,干一行,就要爱一行,更要专一行。用青春活,理想诠释人民警察誓言.
评分中午拿到《法律的概念》第三版中译本,花了点时间校读了Leslie Green写的导言。译文总体上在准确性、流畅性和简洁性上做的都很棒,但美中不足,有一些瑕疵暂列如下。 1. 原文斜体的部分在中译本中并未被标示出来。斜体一般是作者想要特别强调以引起读者注意的一种写作方式,比...
图书标签: 法学 法律 英文原版 哲学 法哲学 法理学 法理 Hart
Fifty years on from its original publication, HLA Hart's The Concept of Law is widely recognized as the most important work of legal philosophy published in the twentieth century, and remains the starting point for most students coming to the subject for the first time. In this third edition, Leslie Green provides a new introduction that sets the book in the context of subsequent developments in social and political philosophy, clarifying misunderstandings of Hart's project and highlighting central tensions and problems in the work.
Second-time, for Prof. Leiter's Jurisprudence; convention + attitude (deem as obligation, but motivation various) - primary and secondary rule (rule of recognition); indeterminacy small, and results in open texture of language; soft positivism: RR can include content-based validity test, but must have pedigree-based ones.
评分There are many other things of interest(besides rules),and jurisprudence needs to take account of them.
评分哈特认为国际法里没有次级规则,但在这本书出版之后,Roberto Ago却把次级规则的概念引入了国际法。有时候历史就是这样讽刺又有趣。
评分Second-time, for Prof. Leiter's Jurisprudence; convention + attitude (deem as obligation, but motivation various) - primary and secondary rule (rule of recognition); indeterminacy small, and results in open texture of language; soft positivism: RR can include content-based validity test, but must have pedigree-based ones.
评分第三版,本来只打算读Green的序言加postscript,但最后又把全书重读了一次。哈特通过对日常法律现象的考察,批评了奥斯汀和凯尔森以降的法律实证主义模型,并提出一个既能更好解释法律现象、又能大致保留实证主义一些经典theses的模型框架。哈特的框架当然并未很细致,在构成social rule的必要条件,rule of recognition是否能包括道德原则或评价性条件等问题依然有待后人解决。但哈特对德沃金的回应我觉得大致上是到点的。这次最感兴趣的是哈特的方法论,即他反复强调的descriptive jurisprudence究竟是如何研究及其意义。一方面,能看到哈特和韦伯式的社会学研究的有类似之处,但法律毕竟是带有规范性的规则,价值中立的方法论究竟能走多远?
The Concept of Law 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书