Anany Levitin,美國Villanova大學計算科學教授。他是一本算法設計和分析名著的作者,該書被譯為中文、希臘文等多國語言。他還在數學最優化算法、軟件工程、數據管理、算法設計和計算機科學教育等領域發錶過多篇論文。
Maria Levitin,獨立谘詢師。她在大型軟件公司有多年的商業應用軟件開發經驗,現在她專注於Web應用和無綫計算領域。
趙勇,電子科技大學教授,極限網絡計算與服務實驗室主任,中國計算機學會大數據專傢委員會委員。美國芝加哥大學博士,師從世界網格之父Ian Foster教授,其間在美國IBM研發中心、美國Argonne國傢實驗室實習。博士畢業後任職美國微軟公司搜索與廣告部,從事雲平颱上的大型廣告係統開發,獲微軟傑齣員工奬。
Algorithmic puzzles are puzzles involving well-defined procedures for solving problems. This book will provide an enjoyable and accessible introduction to algorithmic puzzles that will develop the reader's algorithmic thinking. The first part of this book is a tutorial on algorithm design strategies and analysis techniques. Algorithm design strategies - exhaustive search, backtracking, divide-and-conquer and a few others - are general approaches to designing step-by-step instructions for solving problems. Analysis techniques are methods for investigating such procedures to answer questions about the ultimate result of the procedure or how many steps are executed before the procedure stops. The discussion is an elementary level, with puzzle examples, and requires neither programming nor mathematics beyond a secondary school level. Thus, the tutorial provides a gentle and entertaining introduction to main ideas in high-level algorithmic problem solving. The second and main part of the book contains 150 puzzles, from centuries-old classics to newcomers often asked during job interviews at computing, engineering, and financial companies. The puzzles are divided into three groups by their difficulty levels. The first fifty puzzles in the Easier Puzzles section require only middle school mathematics. The sixty puzzle of average difficulty and forty harder puzzles require just high school mathematics plus a few topics such as binary numbers and simple recurrences, which are reviewed in the tutorial. All the puzzles are provided with hints, detailed solutions, and brief comments. The comments deal with the puzzle origins and design or analysis techniques used in the solution. The book should be of interest to puzzle lovers, students and teachers of algorithm courses, and persons expecting to be given puzzles during job interviews.
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當時看到微博上有人推薦此書便頭腦一熱下瞭訂單,書剛到那兩天挺新奇的,但隨著看的題目越來越多,感覺此書真的一般。不推薦作為算法入門書籍。 個彆題目的答案感覺有問題,但是無法確定是否跟作者的思路一緻。譯者序後麵留的微博,郵箱,要麼沒有迴應,要麼QQ郵箱不能識彆,說...
評分##2. 手套選擇 具體思想就是,**化繁為簡**。先考慮我們有2雙灰色手套,那麼要保證挑齣的手套至少是一對灰色的,顯然需要挑**2+1=3次**(如果隻挑兩次的話,運氣不佳,剛好挑到瞭2個左手,那就不能滿足條件)。現在將條件擴大,一共十雙手套(忽略顔色,隻考慮左右手),那麼...
評分當時看到微博上有人推薦此書便頭腦一熱下瞭訂單,書剛到那兩天挺新奇的,但隨著看的題目越來越多,感覺此書真的一般。不推薦作為算法入門書籍。 個彆題目的答案感覺有問題,但是無法確定是否跟作者的思路一緻。譯者序後麵留的微博,郵箱,要麼沒有迴應,要麼QQ郵箱不能識彆,說...
評分當時看到微博上有人推薦此書便頭腦一熱下瞭訂單,書剛到那兩天挺新奇的,但隨著看的題目越來越多,感覺此書真的一般。不推薦作為算法入門書籍。 個彆題目的答案感覺有問題,但是無法確定是否跟作者的思路一緻。譯者序後麵留的微博,郵箱,要麼沒有迴應,要麼QQ郵箱不能識彆,說...
評分當時看到微博上有人推薦此書便頭腦一熱下瞭訂單,書剛到那兩天挺新奇的,但隨著看的題目越來越多,感覺此書真的一般。不推薦作為算法入門書籍。 個彆題目的答案感覺有問題,但是無法確定是否跟作者的思路一緻。譯者序後麵留的微博,郵箱,要麼沒有迴應,要麼QQ郵箱不能識彆,說...
圖書標籤: 算法 數學 思維 計算機 Algorithm 編程 Programming algorithm
評分挺精緻的一本書,但是就隻是puzzle而已。和那本算法設計與分析基礎 一樣,想法是好的,但是想法的威力沒有完全展現。
評分A collection of puzzles~質量不高,寫的一般,有意思的問題也很少,完全不如ACM
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