Glyn Dillon’s comics illustrations have appeared in several works from Vertigo, including The Sandman. He has also worked as an artist, animator, and designer in film and television. He lives in London, England.
The Nao of Brown 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
关于格林·狄龙《棕色的世界》的信息补遗 2010年5月,在英国自造英雄出版社(SelfMadeHero)的一角,时年34岁的格林·狄龙终于如愿以偿地跟出版社签订了合作协议,确定了《棕色的世界》的合作意向,为这部从2007年就开始筹划的独立作品找到了一个不错的归宿。下面照片中那个个...
评分我们所有的知识都开始于感性,然后进入到知性,最后以理性告终。没有比理性更高的东西了。 ——康德 奈绪的脑内自成一个世界。 在这个精...
评分“我实实在在的告诉你们,一粒麦子落在地里如若不死,仍旧是一粒。若是死了,就会结出许多子粒来。” ————《新约·约翰福音》第12章,第24节 我诚心诚意的请求瞩目于前一点。 想着别去想大象。该如何将大象这个词语从脑海中剥除掉?这大概是很多精神疾病思维中的一个悖论。...
评分这篇书评没什么深刻见解,没什么分析,只有我有的,你们没有的感受。 我是一名真正的强迫症患者,与主人公的症状很像,不是重复动作的那种,而是重复思维的那种,就像主人公一样,我治疗强迫症将近四年,试过森田疗法,试过冥想,吃过许多神经类药物,百忧解,安律凡,怡诺思。...
图书标签: 漫画 欧美漫画 comic/graphic_novel 图像小说 Comic 欧漫
Twenty-eight-year-old Nao Brown, who’s hafu (half Japanese, half English), is not well. She’s suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and fighting violent urges to harm other people. But that’s not who she really wants to be. Nao has dreams. She wants to quiet her unruly mind; she wants to get her design and illustration career off the ground; and she wants to find love, perfect love.
Nao’s life continues to seesaw. Her boyfriend dumps her; a toy deal falls through. But she also meets Gregory, an interesting washing-machine repairman, and Ray, an art teacher at the Buddhist Center. She begins to draw and meditate to ease her mind and open her heart—and in doing so comes to a big realization: Life isn’t black-and-white after all . . . it’s much more like brown.
Praise for The Nao of Brown:
“Lushly rendered, passionately digressive” —The New York Times
“Dillon turns in a narrative tour de force, featuring a script that works in perfect concert with almost cinematic art reminiscent of Milo Manara, but with far more expressive characters. A triumph of comics for grownups, this is a must-read.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review
“The art in The Nao of Brown is absolutely gorgeous . . . An intense story about a young woman who fights as hard to get out of her own head as some superheroes fight to save the world.” —The Onion’s A.V. Club
“This was the best read I have had in a long time.” —Scott Stantis, cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune
“Dillon makes his grand return in what can only be described as a visual spectacle.” —The Beat
“Amazing artwork; a truly novelistic piece of storytelling, full of wisdom and compassion; and a book which is a beautiful artifact, a treat for those of a bibliophilic inclination.” —Comic Book Resources
“The battles are internal, but no less monumental for all of that. Such inner wars made Sandman a classic, and I have no doubt that Dillon’s graphic novel will likewise be regarded as a seminal work in comic art.” —The Houston Press Art Attack blog
“Psychologically complex and surprising.” —Paste Magazine
“It’s a masterpiece, and I really can’t recommend it enough.” —Comic Book Resources
“Penciled and watercolored by hand, the pages glow with a lush realism, even in their darkest moments. The ever present motif of red can either anchor or engulf the reader, but always provides a vibrant glimpse into Nao’s life.” —Asian Fortune News
个人喜好之不能接受:一场车祸就“顿悟”的戏码、接近结局时用四页文字小说来阐述一个角色的背景给我一种挥之不去的偷懒感、即便知道Ichi的故事内核和奈绪的故事有共性但还是不能接受这样讲着讲着插播另一个故事的narrative(虽然是烂大街的narrative)...开头结尾相呼应,点赞。总体而言,想要Steve Meek这样的老板&朋友齁。
评分高潮部分的节奏快的让人停不下来以至于看完之后脑子里久久的在回想整本书的各个细节,细节方面很值得推敲,总的来说是一本很值得看的漫画,关于OCD的部分就有点呵呵- -
评分个人喜好之不能接受:一场车祸就“顿悟”的戏码、接近结局时用四页文字小说来阐述一个角色的背景给我一种挥之不去的偷懒感、即便知道Ichi的故事内核和奈绪的故事有共性但还是不能接受这样讲着讲着插播另一个故事的narrative(虽然是烂大街的narrative)...开头结尾相呼应,点赞。总体而言,想要Steve Meek这样的老板&朋友齁。
The Nao of Brown 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书