The Author
Dung-dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las
was born in 1927 at Nying-khri-
rdzong (modern Nyingchi County)
to the east of Lhasa. When five
ycars of age, he was recognizcd as
the reincarnated Living Buddha of
the Dung-dkar Monaslcry, and he
adoptcd a Buddhisl name, Dung-
dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las. He en-
tered the Smed grwa-tshang (Smed
Theological College) of the Se-ra
Monastery to study Buddhist texts,
and then studied at thc Lower Tan-
tric Collcgc and the Upper Tantric
College. He received the title of
Lha-ram-pa Dge-bshes (the highest
Buddhist academic degrce in Ti-
bel) in 1957. He has successively
hcld thc posts of vicc-chairman of
the Buddhisl Association of Tibet,
mcmber of the standing committee
of the Political Consultative Con-
ference of the Tibet Autonomous
Rcgion, and professor at the Cen-
tral Institute for Nationalities in
Bcijing and at Tibet University in
He attendcd the 4th Internation-
al Tibctological Seminar at Mu-
nich in July 1985.
His works include Red Annals
wilh Annolations, 1981, Nationali-
tics Publishing House; and A List
of' Rare Tibetan Books, block
printing, Lhasa.
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