丹•瓊斯是專攻中世紀史的史學傢,曾獲多項大奬。他是倫敦《標準晚報》的長期專欄作傢。他畢業於劍橋大學,是大衛•斯塔基(David Starkey)的得意門生。瓊斯曾為BBC的“不列顛手工藝術”係列節目製作紀錄片,還作為嘉賓參加瞭流行的曆史題材電視節目“時代小組”。他的著作《夏日之血》(Summer Blood)記述瞭1381年的英格蘭農民起義,被《獨立報》選為年度好書。瓊斯常為報刊撰寫文章,目前和妻子及兩個女兒生活在倫敦。他正在創作一部以玫瑰戰爭為題材的新書。
Eight generations of the greatest and worst kings and queens that this country has ever seen - from the White Ship to the Lionheart, bad King John to the Black Prince and John of Gaunt - this is the dynasty that invented England as we still know it today - great history to appeal to readers of Ken Follet, Bernard Cornwell, Tom Holland England's greatest royal dynasty, the Plantagenets, ruled over England through eight generations of kings. Their remarkable reign saw England emerge from the Dark Ages to become a highly organised kingdom that spanned a vast expanse of Europe. Plantagenet rule saw the establishment of laws and creation of artworks, monuments and tombs which survive to this day, and continue to speak of their sophistication, brutality and secrets. Dan Jones brings you a new vision of this battle-scarred history. From the Crusades, to King John's humbling over Magna Carta and the tragic reign of the last Plantagenet, Richard II - this is a blow-by-blow account of England's most thrilling age.
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評分 評分 評分感嘆篇 請先讓我嚮原著作者Dan Jones 和譯者陸大鵬錶示一下如滔滔江水般的敬意!一位八零後的洋帥哥,把正史寫得如此精彩紛呈,蕩氣迴腸,如小說般讓讀者欲罷不能;一個九零後的本地帥哥,能把這等專業性強、曆史背景復雜的原著翻譯得文筆如此流暢,文采如此齣眾,可讀性之強非...
圖書標籤: 曆史 英國 金雀花王朝 Plantagenets 英文原版 英國曆史 TomHiddleston 英國史
有聲書斷斷續續聽瞭大半年 朗讀者像是讀曆史課本一般枯燥無味 從趣味性來說還是後一本玫瑰戰爭講述的更生動 但這一本的君王因為平時相對更少涉及 聽來科普意味倒是更為濃重金雀花王朝就是自帶內訌血統 聽完這一本再觀玫瑰戰爭就不足為奇瞭
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評分5.0 Picture Section大驚喜
評分有聲書斷斷續續聽瞭大半年 朗讀者像是讀曆史課本一般枯燥無味 從趣味性來說還是後一本玫瑰戰爭講述的更生動 但這一本的君王因為平時相對更少涉及 聽來科普意味倒是更為濃重金雀花王朝就是自帶內訌血統 聽完這一本再觀玫瑰戰爭就不足為奇瞭
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