尤哈尼·帕拉斯瑪(Juhanl Pallasmaa)是芬蘭*傑齣的建築師和建築思想傢之一。他曾經的頭銜包括:赫爾辛基工業藝術學院院長;赫爾辛基芬蘭建築博物館館長;赫爾辛基工業大學建築係教授兼主任。他同時在全球多所大學擔任客座教授。帕拉斯瑪曾寫作和編輯三十餘部著作,其中包括《肌膚之目:建築與感官》(Academy,1995 and John Wiley & Sons,2005),《思考之手:建築存在與具身的智慧》(John Wilev&Sons,2009)以及《具象化的圖像:建築的想象和意象》(John Wiley & Sons,2011)。
First published in 1996, The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory. This third edition meets readers’ desire for a further understanding of the context of Pallasmaa’s thinking by providing a new essay by architectural author and educator Peter MacKeith. This text combines both a biographical portrait of Pallasmaa and an outline of his architectural thinking, its origins and its relationship to the wider context of Nordic and European thought, past and present. The focus of the essay is on the fundamental humanity, insight and sensitivity of Pallasmaa’s approach to architecture, bringing him closer to the reader. This is illustrated by Pallasmaa’s sketches and photographs of his own work. The new edition also provides a foreword by the internationally renowned architect Steven Holl and a revised introduction by Pallasmaa himself.
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我竟然是習慣的,習慣 “看”一個建築。 從大一素描與速寫課程,到《圖解思考》裏強調的視覺錶達,鋪天蓋地的視覺洪流下,建築被相機匆忙的凝視所取代,不再是特定情境下身體與世界的相遇。感官被扁平化為一張張圖片,在新一輪的圖像文化裏,一點點被肢解。 遺忘、淡漠、疏遠,...
評分請尊重創作者的勞動,勿提供下載信息、或轉載他人的文章。 為瞭鼓勵有益的分享, 少於50字的評論將在前頁論壇裏發錶。 請尊重創作者的勞動,勿提供下載信息、或轉載他人的文章。 為瞭鼓勵有益的分享, 少於50字的評論將在前頁論壇裏發錶。 請尊重創作者的勞動,勿提供下載信息...
圖書標籤: 建築 現象學 Architecture JuhaniPallasmaa 入學書單 Sense 造園 視覺
“Our body is both an object among objects and that which sees and touches them.”
評分買的第一本建築理論找不到瞭 :(
評分買的第一本建築理論找不到瞭 :(
評分“Our body is both an object among objects and that which sees and touches them.”
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