This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskell. 'Just at this moment he passed us on the stairs, making such a graceful bow, in reply to which I dropped a curtsey - all foreigners have such polite manners, one catches something of it'. "Cranford" is an affectionate and often moving portrait of genteel poverty and intertwined lives in a nineteenth-century village. One of Elizabeth Gaskell's most beloved works, it centres on a community dominated by women and governed by old-fashioned ways. The formidable Miss Deborah Jenkyns and the kindly Miss Matty's days revolve around card games, tea, thriftiness and an endless appetite for scandal, until change comes into their world - whether it is the modern ideas of Captain Brown, a bank collapse, rumours of burglars or an unexpected reappearance from the past. "The Penguin English Library" contains 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
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圖書標籤: 英國 小說 ElizabethGaskell 女性 作品 外國小說 Elizabeth_Gaskell
前幾章看的時候覺得平平淡淡的,沒有什麼抓眼球的,後來看著看著,看到Matty破産那一章所有的故事纔開始撥開雲霧,我纔開始認識這群剩女的可愛,想起因救人而犧牲的Mr. Brown,還有離傢齣走最後又迴來與姐姐Matty相聚的Peter,他們相聚的那一刻內心是感動的,Matty為人善良但卻仿佛涉世未深,不知道打理傢業,幸好Cranford都是好人,僕人願意繼續照顧她,賣茶的老闆還給他指瞭明路,Mary也和她的父親共同幫助她,還有其他的女士也盡其所能去幫助......是個平淡卻不失溫暖的故事。
評分前幾章看的時候覺得平平淡淡的,沒有什麼抓眼球的,後來看著看著,看到Matty破産那一章所有的故事纔開始撥開雲霧,我纔開始認識這群剩女的可愛,想起因救人而犧牲的Mr. Brown,還有離傢齣走最後又迴來與姐姐Matty相聚的Peter,他們相聚的那一刻內心是感動的,Matty為人善良但卻仿佛涉世未深,不知道打理傢業,幸好Cranford都是好人,僕人願意繼續照顧她,賣茶的老闆還給他指瞭明路,Mary也和她的父親共同幫助她,還有其他的女士也盡其所能去幫助......是個平淡卻不失溫暖的故事。
評分A little group of genteel gossiping old dears. ⎡we are all of us better when she is near us⎦
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