尼耳斯·亨利剋·戴維·玻爾(Niels Henrik David Bohr,1885年10月7日~1962年11月18日) ),丹麥物理學傢。他通過引入量子化條件,提齣瞭玻爾模型來解釋氫原子光譜,提齣互補原理和哥本哈根詮釋來解釋量子力學,對二十世紀物理學的發展有深遠的影響。玻爾為丹麥物理學傢,哥本哈根學派的創始人。哥本哈根大學科學碩士和哲學博士(PhD),丹麥皇傢科學院院士,曾獲丹麥皇傢科學文學院金質奬章,英國曼徹斯特大學和劍橋大學名譽博士學位,諾貝爾物理學奬。
量子物理學的基礎Ⅰ(1926—1932) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Volumes 6 and 7 of Niels Bohr’s Collected Works, which present the successive stages of his profound analysis of the observational situation in quantum physics and the radical epistemological lesson that he derived therefrom, confront the editor with some ...
評分Volumes 6 and 7 of Niels Bohr’s Collected Works, which present the successive stages of his profound analysis of the observational situation in quantum physics and the radical epistemological lesson that he derived therefrom, confront the editor with some ...
評分Volumes 6 and 7 of Niels Bohr’s Collected Works, which present the successive stages of his profound analysis of the observational situation in quantum physics and the radical epistemological lesson that he derived therefrom, confront the editor with some ...
評分Volumes 6 and 7 of Niels Bohr’s Collected Works, which present the successive stages of his profound analysis of the observational situation in quantum physics and the radical epistemological lesson that he derived therefrom, confront the editor with some ...
評分Volumes 6 and 7 of Niels Bohr’s Collected Works, which present the successive stages of his profound analysis of the observational situation in quantum physics and the radical epistemological lesson that he derived therefrom, confront the editor with some ...
圖書標籤: 量子力學 自然科學 物理學 物理 文集 量子力學6 物理學 (集)
量子物理學的基礎Ⅰ(1926—1932) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載