罗兰·巴特(Roland Barthes,1915-1980)被认为是继萨特之后法国知识界的领袖人物,蒙田之后最富才华的散文家。他在符号、精神分析批评、释义学、解构主义诸领域都有卓越建树,对西方文化和文化研究影响深远。
S/Z 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
迷恋罗兰·巴特,喜欢《S/Z》《神话修辞术》《恋人絮语》《新批评论文集》《中性》,几天之内连续阅读,抬头之际,有如下遐思…… *** 我是个悲观的享乐主义者(奉行享乐的悲观主义者)。 享乐既是麻痹也是升华,在享乐中时间的经验得以消除,如同一种死亡的状态。然而这不是...
评分 评分巴尔扎克的《萨拉辛》是一篇并不引人注目的短篇小说,但是,当它与罗兰巴特相遇时,沧海遗珠一变而为风光月霁,巴特以精湛手术般的解读,逐字逐句,将小说推到了无以伦比、令人绝倒的结构分析高度。 《萨拉辛》本身是一篇传统的现实主义手法小说。在衣香鬓影的朗蒂宅邸晚会...
评分 评分罗兰巴特,学术地位不多说了。可是这位老人家,就是从评论家角度看待文学,创造了一系列概念。文本。但是又没说清楚,现在争议不断。让我们这些学生吃了不少苦头,总算把概念弄清了,痛不欲生。所以,想到以前同学的话,发明那么多术语干嘛,背都背不清。 不能承受的历史之重。...
图书标签: 英国 法国 文学理论 文学 学术研究 Structualism RolandBarthes France
S/Z is the linguistic distillation of Barthes's system of semiology, a science of signs and symbols, in which Balzac's novella , Sarrasine , is dissected semantically to uncover layers of hidden meaning.
A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
评分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
评分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
评分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
评分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
S/Z 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书